The Duffel Blog: President Obama Visits Afghanistan, Shoots Three Taliban Fighters

| May 3, 2012

I’m sure TSO will be reporting on this too, but our friends at The Duffel Blog send this exclusive;

“I don’t speak your ‘yabba-dabba-doo’,” Obama shouted, as he calmly shot him in the face.

At one point, after his pistol jammed, Obama surprised the troops by grabbing an AK-47 off one of the bodies and continued to put rounds downrange.

“Guys, I spent part of my childhood in Indonesia,” he said while effortlessly conducting immediate action on the weapon, “It’s just like riding a bicycle.”

After killing the three Taliban, Obama then posed for a group photo with the soldiers while urinating on the corpses.

I knew he had it him, he just needed the opportunity to show you wingnuts what he can do and his trip to Afghanistan gave him the opportunity. Suck it, Mitt.

By the way, you know it’s satire, right?

Category: Satire

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Great piece of satire, with one caveat.

The blurb regarding LBJ is only partially satirical. Reality is even stranger.

Johnson actually was given (as opposed to earned) a Silver Star during his brief active duty time in World War II. He was gifted with this medal because he flew as an observer in a US Army bomber that never came under fire and which turned back prior to reaching its target because of generator trouble. MacArthur nontheless presented LBJ a Silver Star for flying that mission.

LBJ was serving while on leave of absence from the US House of Representativesand was a favorite/protoge of FDR. Given MacArthur’s political senses and skills, IMO it’s obvious that this was a bullshit award given for no other reason than to curry political favor. The gift yielded immediate returns, as Johnson attained a key subcommittee position in the House and championed for additional resources for the South West Pacific – and got them.


Wow! He looks as buff as…as…well, Sylvester Stallone!

CI Roller Dude

I heard from a friend who has a buddy, that knows a guy, who’s friends with a woman who has a cousin that knows a guy that was there. The story is it was a 3,000 meter shot with a .22 pistol.


Thanks, HONDO —
Truly great history facts .

Just Plain Jason

You know, that is the kind of story I could get behind…



Oh my Obama!!! I sprayed coffee when I saw the pic of Dear Leader.
After urinating on the corpses, did he celebrate with a helping of dog?