A voice of reason in the CBC?

| April 9, 2012

Fox News reports that yesterday on CNN’s “State of the Union”, chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus, Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO), admonished his fellow caucus members for saying that the republicans are “waging war on women”;

“We’ve got to quit exaggerating our political differences,” he said. “If you believe that the president is a Christian … you still come to the belief that he’s trying to destroy religion in this country? I think we’ve got to stop it. That is not doing this country this any good at all.”

Thank you Reverend Cleaver, we appreciate that, not “we Republicans”, but “we Americans”, because lately I’m anything but a Republican. But this is a good start – just having the courage to stand up for a little truth counts for a lot. But, it’s completely different if Cleaver said that just for political points rather than standing up for the truth for a second. I guess we’ll see.

Category: Congress sucks

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Wow…..I’m amazed at the moment of lucidity from the CBC. I hope it continues, on both sides.


Dammit…new computer. #1 was me.


Don’t kid yourself. Cleaver is in a deep political fight, with redistricting taking up a good chunk of his formerly “safe” district (he won by 30 points in 2006/08, but only 9 in 2010.)

He’s covering his own ass to play to the mushy middle, just like any politician would do.


Er … wouldn’t that be CBC in the header, Jonn?

Old Tanker

CDC, Congerssional Dickhead Caucus…


I suppose his reasonableness has nothing to do with him being sued for $1.5 mil by BOA. He is a clown and a fool and if you believe anything he says, well….draw your own conclusion.

USMC Steve

Cleaver is a leftist, a black racist, a political whore, and a democrat. If his lips move he is lying for gain. He just got caught trying something this morning but I don’t have the details on it yet. Something about shady business opportunities that he has going on for profit. Our GSA facility in Kansas City is being forced to move based upon his wheeling and dealing, to the falling to shit “Power and Light” district in downtown KC. He even held a news conference stating that we were moving to generate more money down there, when the building we have is fine now, and paid for.