Obama to Medvedev; look for my white flag after November
ABC’s Jake Tapper is like the only person reporting on this, even though he was with a crapload of reporters when he heard this exchange in South Korea between our President and Russia’s president Medvedev;
President Obama: On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space.
President Medvedev: Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you…
President Obama: This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.
President Medvedev: I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir.
Yep, tell Vlad that the white flag will be flying over the White House come November, and you guys can go ahead and pick our national security policy clean to the bone.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden
Could be a tipping point.
Political Science Rule #1: Politicians work to win elections. All subsequent actions are means to that end in both cause and effect.
The President is different from other politicians in only one regard. He’s the best at it.
Here’s the point: The President is responsible for our national security. he is caught on the mic discussing undermining that security.
This ought to be an impeachable offense.
Is this really any surprise with this guy though?
C’mon folks, cut the guy some slack; will ya? He already sold out the Czechs and Poles, as well as the Brits to Russia, so he’s just trying to finish the job.
That hacking sound is me ralphing on my boots.
““this is a political year in which the Russians just had an election, we’re about to have a presidential and congressional elections — this is not the kind of year in which we’re going to resolve incredibly complicated issue like this. ”
Yeah man, we can’t worry about issues, its an election year!
This scares the hell out of me. What else is he, the President of the United States, asking for “more space” from the Prime Minister of Russia for? More space for what? Will he be going more totalitarian or just giving away Alaska?
HOLY CRAP! I’M SO FRIGGIN PISSED NOW … KRIEST … IT IS ONLY FRIGGIN MONDAY … Ronald Reagn is rolling over in his grave kicking and screaming louder than me …
“My fellow Americans, I am pleased to tell you I just signed legislation which outlaws Russia forever. The bombing begins in five minutes”.
Ronald Reagan (open microphone)
“If the Soviet Union let another political party come into existence, they would still be a one-party state, because everybody would join the other party”.
Ronald Reagan
“Ronald Reagan will be remembered for leading the United States during a time of tremendous international transition – the demise of the Soviet Union, the Berlin Wall coming down, and the end of the Cold War”.
Mary Landrieu
Get ready for the professional trolls to explain to us how such a deal about missile defense is so controversial that no President would ever make such a deal during an election year.
Followed by “and Darth Cheney stole a new heart from the innocent child of a dead veteran” meme.
Obama was always one degree of separation from the Kremlin growing up. Kinda hard to break free from the only men who ever showed him love.
Nah, the libtrolls will probably think that the US having enemies (oh, I’m sorry, “balance”) is a good thing.
One of their biggest bitches was the “One World Superpower” bullshit–well, it was only a problem as long as it was the US. If it were China or the Russians, no big whoop in their eyes.
@#8. Perhaps, he wants Vlad to be patient, it does take time to dismantle the military, can’t get it done right away. After all, there’s golf to play and vacations to take, while he goes about the politburo’s, er, people’s business.
The story isn’t that a US President (or any national leader) is playing for time with another country’s leadership, waiting until after important elections. That sort of thing is, and has always been, standard practice. This is one of those stories that lives or dies only on the contrast between the pre and post election policies.
#13 I don’t really agree in this case. It’s not so much what he said to Medvedev, that would be “playing for time” you touched on, it is the possible implication policy wise.
Obama has never been keen on missile defense to begin with and has been advocating for a dramatic reduction in our nuclear capability. He sees said program as more of an obstruction, to be traded away for his long-term goal of a post nuclear world. A totally naive and impractical program. Yet with the massive budget cuts coming to DOD within the next year, he may get it.
Der Fuhrer Obama needs all the space he can get in order to finish subjugating us.