2 Brits killed by ANA soldier

| March 26, 2012

The Associated Press reports that two British soldiers were killed by a terrorist in an Afghanistan National Army uniform while they were on duty at a base in Southern Afghanistan this morning;

Details were still sketchy about Monday morning’s attack. The U.S.-led coalition said in a statement that an individual wearing an Afghan soldier’s uniform turned his weapon against international troops. NATO forces then returned fire.

“The gunman was shot and killed,” said coalition spokesman Maj. Jason Waggoner. He declined to provide further details.

It seems to me that that the ANA isn’t doing enough to weed these little shits out of their ranks if the attacks are becoming more common. And if the Afghans aren’t more willing to protect our troops, then we should just leave and watch them shoot each other for a while. I wonder how long before someone goes on TV somewhere and starts apologizing to the Afghan government for having to shoot their wayward members.

Category: Terror War

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Wonder if Obama or Karzi will be apologizing for this???? Yes that is sarcasm


I guess we can expect that Karzai will send $50,000 to the families of the murdered soldiers.

Yeah, right!


What kills me, is that EVERY TIME that this happens, its never reported as a Talib sleeper in the ANA, always as a Militant dressed as an ANA Soldier… Jesus H. F*ing Christ! Call it what it freaking is, or stop fucking reporting it! The ANA is a leaky ship, its time we sink the fucker and GO HOME, they obviously do not want our help anymore, and as a CA guy, I say fuck them! If all the CERP and ODACA funding on Earth, all the reconstruction projects, HA, wells, schools, clinics, soccer balls and school supplies haven’t meant dick, its time to leave them to their own devices, isolate their country, and let them do their own socially retarded, lord of the flies thing!


Don’t jump to conclusions on this one. TB in ANA uniform could be a possibility here.


Just saying, a lot of the time, its actually ANA personnel, but the media never hesitates to call them lone gunmen, or extremists wearing ANA uniforms, instead of calling it like it actually is!


The President and Congress should probably read this: http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB57/soviet.html

Long story short. When the Afghans got tired of robbing the Ruskies, the units that were soviet trained turned on them.

For similar stories check out… any historic account of armed occupation in Afghanistan! This is doctrine for them.

Some other ironic American/ISAF oversights include:
Setting up on the low-ground. Limited air support. Armored convoys through choke points.

Last but not least. Who bought those DShKs?