The only reason chicks join the military…apparently
This is Katy Perry’s new video “Part of Me” in which she catches a cheating boyfriend and then chops off her hair, binds her really great breasts and goes to the Marine recruiter. So I’m wondering is this what Hollywood thinks is the only reason that women join the military? Hasn’t it been the theme of about four movies over the last few decades?
But, Katy does look good in MarPats. I don’t know why, but there’s something about a woman in uniform that makes me a little warm. Cuz Navy utilities look good on Rihanna in the Battleship trailer, too;
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How long before you fight her in the Octagon?
I don’t know, should I send her a YouTube invitation?
This is NOT a blanket projection on my part, only a note on my own observations while I was in, and admitted to by the women in question.
Almost all the women I personally served with, or had contact with, in the Army were there because they had daughter/daddy issues. They were without a doubt trying to prove something to their fathers and maybe by extension, to themselves.
Okay, pet peeve here: the cliche unbuttoned chinstrap. If we were far enough away from the boss to have our chinstraps undone, we were far enough away to take the damned thing off and go to boonie caps. If we thought we needed a helmet, we sure as hell wanted the damned thing to stay on our heads so the chinstrap was buckled.
John Wayne is dead and you will be too if you don’t button up that fuggin’ chinstrap.
Aww hell Sniper, I ‘lost’ my chinstrap for the better part of 20 years of service. Heheheheheee
Imagine how stupid she felt upon discovering that women in the military didn’t have to cut their hair or bind their breasts. A real woman would have quit out of embarrassment for their ignorance.
Oh about that chinstrap thing. I wore mine as loose as possible except for those dog and pony shows called change of command and such stuff. Especially the Kevlar. The back of thing always prevented me from looking forward while in the prone and concussion waves from explosions threatened to rip your head off.
I always find it fascinating that aside from Demi Moore, Hollywood’s vision of women in the military is usually so…airheaded. She ranks right up there on my shit list with Jessica Simpson and her goofy movie about joining the military “Major Movie Star.” Frankly who really gives a shit what Katy Perry and the like do anyway? It’s for attention. People need to learn to think with a few brain cells and stop letting pop culture drive their thinking.
@4…I nearly choked laughing at your last line.
Screw the chinstrap, I tried to lose my helmet for the better part of my career….it’s an air item!
Katy always struck me a bit empty upstairs, but sure is a purty package.
When I came in, the old saw was “Women join the military for three reasons: to get a man, forget a man, or be a man.”
Didn’t agree then, and I don’t agree now.
Nobody, and I mean nobody looks good in those gay a$$ navy utilities.
You mean the Navy Aquaflage?
I have NEVER understood the need to do away with utilities. The denim bell bottoms and blue chambray shirt were an excellent work uniform.
The Navy needs to do some serious drawdown on it’s uniform issue. It has entirely too many uniforms, options, etc, and to this old sailor’s mind, it’s pathetic.
Blue utilities for work uniforms. Dress blue crackerjacks for year-round use. White crackerjacks for summer and tropical wear.
Dixie cup hat, a denim work jacket to go with the utilities, and a pea coat for the crackerjacks. Boondockers and low-quarters for shoes. Done.
All the foul-weather gear can be a ship’s company item and issued on an as-needed basis. Return to ship’s stores when you transfer, etc.
AW1 Tim: until the Navy does what the Army did with it’s “new Greens for old” swapout a number of years ago, you ain’t pegged the stupid meter regarding uniforms.
Wookie Perry!
@ 11,12 +1
Friends don’t let friends wear man-overboard camo
Correction, that should have been @10 and @11 +1
@Hondo: What Zumwalt did to Navy uniforms broke the stupid meter and required it to be shipped back to IMA for repair and recalibration.
Thank God I missed that one–although the new uniforms which I have also thankfully missed come pretty damned close.
“Poopy suits” and tennis shoes underway, dungarees in port, and if I wore a dress uniform more than once a year, that was unusual.
Aquaflage? Seriously?
the old utility uniform was fine. blue camo is stupid.
Dunno about that, Former 3364. Forcing everyone in an armed service to buy a uniform that was literally identical to the one it replaced – down to the placing of pockets and type/size/number of buttons – except for being a very slightly different shade is IMO about as stupid as it gets. (The shades were so close that you literally had to lay them side-by-side to tell one from the other – and even then it was difficult to tell the difference.)
That’s precisely what the Army did in the mid/late 1990s with the Class A fiasco (Greens swapout).
My collateral duty was as a rescue swimmer. Now, I never had to actually do that. I practiced a lot and spent more than enough time in the water, thank you very much, but here is my point: Who in the hell decided it was a good idea to wear aquaflage when you might end up in the water?
I mean, it’s damned hard enough to find someone as it is, which is why they gave us aircrew strobe lights that we could stick onto a velcro square on the top of our helmets. They also gave us pencil flare guns and dye packets, because wearing a sage green flight suit and survival gear in the ocean isn’t conducive to locating your ass.
But now, the Navy had given everyone a water-camo pattern uniform to wear AT SEA. I mean, really?
It’s Hollyweird, folks. Does anyone think the reasons men join the military are accurately shown in Stripes, a loser and a friend foolish enough to go with him?
Ahhhh! Makes me think back fondly of the late seventies and the permenant press fatigues, spent most of time trying to track down an old sets of the od cotton ones……but then I got to my unit and we got to wear the ripstop slant pocket cammies….at 1st bat we got issued 6 sets….life was good!
Patrol cap and no baseball cap! And the black beret of course. Had one set of cammies for just garrison & inspections, the top had all the pockets sewed down, and when starched you could chop wood with em! Hated it when we got the BDU’s, they were a death suit…we dropped em and went to the od jungle! Kinda makes ya smile!
I would ‘av thought that was a Marine recuriting video
Have to agree with you about the NWU, AW1 Tim. I’ve asked Navy colleagues that exact same question (WTF with the blue camo-pattern – can’t the enemy see the freaking ship? And what about man overboard scenarios?). I’ve pretty much gotten the shoulder shrug from everybody I asked.
Still – the NWU was a different uniform; it was a change. A foolish change, perhaps – but a change nontheless. In contrast, the Army greens swapout wasn’t a change; it was just stupid. But it did make Army uniform vendors a bunch of green, though.
All of the above IMO, of course.
C’mon Jon….Rihanna looks great in everything….and nothing.
WTF, did she join the Corps or the SEAL’s?
And what’s up with bandaging her tits? That’s just bizarre.
She should have to cut her hair and join the mil, just for getting hooked up with that douche Russell Bland.
Can’t fix stupid…
I liked Katie Perry’s video. Looks like she had some help with it to from the Marines – no?
Your right what was up with the bandaging?
I think she was strapping down those ample puppies so they didn’t beat her in the face while she was training.
With all due respect to the ladies who’ve served in uniform, it’s the ladies out of uniform that catch my attention.
Just sayin’
Except for the beginning at least she was fully clothed for a change. And I wonder how she’ll respond when the 1st Marine invites her to the Marine Corps Ball?
I was working on base when their film crew showed up to shoot the “boot camp barracks” scene. Despite our best effforts, we were unable to get into her trailer. Fyi, the girls picked for that scene, were the only ones from a unit full of pregnant ones.
I served in the Navy and a very large number of women I served with were escaping bad and abusive relationships. The fact that my former fiance had beaten me and was stalking me had a lot to do with my own decision. I thought I could escape a bad situation and learn to protect myself.
@ #29, so true; I liked the video. Good bounce. Now to add these moves in the background:
I give Katy Perry props for being one of the few singers outside of the country genre to depict the military positively. There wasn’t even a single depiction of fraternizing forbidden love.
You’re right and wrong about the breast binding bit. Chesticularly well endowed women recruits are issued special sports bras that are more flattening than with normal huge boob bras. They also get issued a second normal sports bras that they can double up with if needed. I don’t blame them since having to constantly dodge being knocked out by your boobs has to make running difficult.