Toulouse suspect burning in Hell (UPDATED)

| March 22, 2012

Fox News is reporting that Mohamed Merah, the murderer on a scooter in the deaths of seven people in Toulouse, France last week, including three children, is snorting dirt at the moment. The French don’t think it was anything they did;

“We hope that he is still alive,” Gueant said, stressing that authorities’ priority is to capture him alive. He said the gunman earlier told negotiators that he wanted to “die with weapons in his hands.”

Elite police squads set off sporadic blasts throughout the night and into the morning — some blew off the apartment’s shutters — in what officials described as a tactic aimed to pressure 24-year-old Merah to give up.

Two or three gunshots were heard from the area of the apartment building overnight. The interior minister said the source of the gunshots was unclear.

If Fox cable news is right, that he is indeed worm food, Merah did the French a favor. All of the money they’d have paid for protecting him and housing him during a long and rant-filled trial. The Guardian reports that Merah made videos of his dastardly deeds, so when the French authorities release those, and I’m sure they will to prove that they got the guy they intended to get, maybe we’ll have fewer doubters and defenders.

UPDATE: Fox News is now reporting that Merah died when he jumped from a window. I hope it hurt…a lot.

Category: Terror War

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When I first started to hear about this, I thought to myself, ‘I bet this guy’s name is Mohamed.’

And I was right!


Hope this report is accurate. May he spend eternity taking turns with bin Laden as Shaytan’s personal sex-slave beyotch.


The dude is dead , he jumped by the window with an AK in hand when the swat stormed the appartment at noon.


The only downside to this part of this saga (as opposed to the prior actions by the terrorist) is the necessary damages to that building to bring another islamist terrorist to justice. This time, an Algerian member of Al-Qaeda, that had trained in Afghanistan, and took up residence in France.

Perhaps, we’ll see Achdiminijihadist, Zadari, the new Islamist government of Egypt, and Bashir Assad making statements against the slaughter of innocent children at his hands. Perhaps, we’ll hear the current residents of 1600 Pennsylvania apologizing for his behavior. Perhaps we’ll hear the MSM reporting about how the life of jihad drove him to violence.

Perhaps not.


Ben, I think Jonn and many others called it way before the media ‘dared’ to do so (typical P.C. garbage).

Hopefully many more of these types will meet the same fate.


Every time I read that some jihadist has joined the Religion of Pieces, I have to read the Iowahawk story about Zarkman and Bin Laden, and I giggle my muthafuckin ass off…


Thanks, NHSparky. Hadn’t seen that – and haven’t had that good a laugh in a while.


So, he jumped from the window? Last time I had a conversation with a Muslim, they said that suicide was the gravest of sins. Even to the extremists, to kill yourself without also taking out infidels is a sin. So, no matter who you ask, this guy is more than likely being sodomized with a red hot coal right now.


BBC just reported that a sniper took him down.

Either way I can’t say I’ll miss him too much