Tuesdays with Claymore

| March 20, 2012

Climate change?

Stand your ground: Part I

Stand your ground: Part II

Stand your ground: Part III

Stand your ground: Part IV

Stand your ground: Part V…was he a racist teabagger edition:

Stand your ground: Part VI…Operation Fast & Furious? What’s that?

Abortive arguments.

Rush to the bank.

Quoting history?

…all the single ladies.

I bet Alex Jones could tell you.

Thuggin’ for Romney.

Apples to Apple.

Generally a bad idea.

My right to be offended trumps whatever you come up with.

Paging Oily Taint…



Window lickers.


Category: Tuesdays with Claymore

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I continue to be amazed by how little that place makes sense. Stand Your Ground Part I is a great example.


You think Zimmerman did the right thing by going after Trayvon?


You’re right, Adam. I read part I, and those are minutes wasted that I can never get back.
Damn Claymore, thanks for reading that stuff, I’m gonna pass on anything from that swamp.


Yeah karlen that’s what I said. I don’t know what happened with that situation, I was talking about the coherence of that post.


When I heard the 911 tapes, specifically Zimmerman’s call I immediately thought he was either drunk or high. And it turns out the police are supposed to test for that when investigating a homicide. Guess what didn’t happen in this case…


Okay let me spell it out for you, anyone saying that someone should have “a duty to retreat” if someone is threatening your safety and or life is a fucking idiot. I don’t know what happened with Zimmerman, haven’t paid that much attention to it. That’s what I was trying to say Karlen.


Problem is, Adam–in some states you DO have a duty to retreat, even in your own home. Granted, most of these states are liberal shitholes. Does this tell you anything?


Yeah it tells me why I live in GA.