Right Wing News: Polling Conservative Bloggers On The 2012 GOP Primaries

| March 5, 2012

In case you’re wondering what some conservative bloggers are thinking about the candidates just before “Super Tuesday”, John Hawkins at Right Wing News polled us again over the weekend and he’s posted the results at his blog;

1) If you had to pick the GOP’s 2012 presidential nominee today, which of the following candidates would you select?

4) Ron Paul: 4.4% (3 votes)
3) Rick Santorum: 20.6% (14 votes)
2) Newt Gingrich: 27.9% (19 votes)
1) Mitt Romney: 47.1% (32 votes)

2) Which of the following candidates would you prefer as the GOP’s nominee?

2) Newt Gingrich: 48.5% (33 votes)
1) Mitt Romney: 51.5% (35 votes)

Go see the rest.

The respondents were;

101 Dead Armadillos, Ace of Spades HQ, Alexa Shrugged, Althouse, American Glob, Argghhhh!, Bad Example, Basil’s Blog, Betsy’s Page, Blonde Sagacity, Bookworm Room, Cara Ellison, Confederate Yankee, Conservative Compendium, Danny Carlton, Dodgeblogium, Don Surber, Ed Driscoll, Electric Venom, Eternity Road, Fausta’s Blog, Fraters Libertas, Freeman Hunt, GayPatriot, GraniteGrok, JammieWearingFool, Jenn Q. Public, Jeremayakovka, John Hawkins, Likelihood of Confusion, Little Miss Attila, Mean Ol Meany, Midnight Blue, Milton Wolf, Mount Virtus, Naked DC, Neo-Neocon, Nice Deb, No Oil For Pacifists, Outside The Beltway, Pal2pal, Pirates Cove, Pundit Boy, Pursuing Holiness, QandO, Right Wing Rocker, Rightosphere, Russ. Just Russ, Shrink Wrapped, Sunshine State Sarah, The Anchoress, The EM Network, The Jawa Report, The Looking Spoon, The Next Right, The Shark Tank, The TrogloPundit, The Underground Conservative, This Ain’t Hell, Verum Serum, Vox Popoli, WILLisms, Weapons of Mass Discussion, Wintery knight, Wyblog

Category: Bloggers

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Ronpaul isn’t #1? It’s a conspiracy, or it’s those damn chemtrails.


Who did we vote for?


I think I read in Infowars that what happened was Romney’s contacts at Diebold hacked John Hawkins’ site and deleted the votes for Ronpaul, replacing them with votes for Romney and then signing up all of the Ronpaul voters for gay porn ads.


I’m just glad we won’t (hopefully) have to hear Squeaks the Mouse (aka Ronpaul) and his Nutty Band in 2016.

Yat Yas 1833

I’m surprised ronpaul received three votes!?


That’s because nobody was there to spam the polls. Any minute now someone will be telling us we’re not “true conservatives” and to go read a book.

Oh, and chemtrails–damn those chemtrails.


Based exclusively on my history of success with Endorsements, I hope we are one of the Ron Paul Three.


But UN, Paul won 3rd runner-up! Told you he was electable!


Yeah, ROS, he was third runner-up, at least he didn’t finish last./sarc