More Occupy thuggery
Tman sends us a link from SFGate that tells of the arrests of three Occupy protesters who were arrested yesterday for robbing and beating a woman in Oakland;
Oakland police said the woman was walking in the 4000 block of Piedmont Avenue around 6 p.m. last Wednesday when she heard a small group of Occupy Oakland protesters “calling for a riot.”
“The victim, who has been a resident of the area for over 20 years, suggested to the protesters not to riot in her neighborhood,” police said in a written statement. “She was surrounded by three protesters and battered as they yelled vulgar epithets regarding their perception of her sexual orientation.”
The victim eventually broke away from the group and called police, according to the statement. Her wallet was taken during the confrontation.
So it began with the woman wanting to protect her neighborhood, but ended with some filthy hippie punks taking her wallet. Way to convince us of your intellectual worth.
Category: I hate hippies
And if she’s living in the neighborhood in question, chances are pretty damn good that she’s not one of the 1%.
Way to redistribute that wealth, fucksticks.
At some point there’s going to be a backlash against these people, and then it’s gonna get REAL ugly.
Sparky: You just don’t understand. These punks were NOT part of the occutard crowd. I’m sure there will be denials and disavows all around about how they are not part of the occupy movement. We’ve been told that many times. Remember; any time it’s something criminal, it is not part of the occupy movement.
Sheesh; check your email, I’m sure you got the memo.
I’m just waiting until spring and summer when the weather improves and these douchebags come out of hibernation. Their antics are going to make 1968 look tame.
Ya know Sparky, I think there could be a public back lash against them. A lot of people I’ve talked to are really sick and tired of these jack-offs and their crap. If they had stuck to their principles and remained focused on their original cause they might still have people on their side. Their “Fu€k the Police” riot in Denver and the rest of their recent $hit has not only lost me but also turned me against them.
Well, “they” will never understand, but the rest of us do. These clowns are, by and large, already criminals and expressing their willingness to continue to violate laws and societal definitions of good order. It comes as no great surprise to normal people that there is really no limit to which laws and social mores they will violate.
And if the resident had been able to successfully defend herself against the three little Occupigs, then SHE would be the one arrested.
But, but, but… All those activist judges have said that the Occutards are doing things legally. I mean, they said that the laws don’t apply to them when it comes to vagrancy and such. So, what’s the problem?
So, I wonder who will snap first. Will it be a vigilante group of civvies, a group of masked trained hippie-beaters (i.e. military) or the cops tired of washing the shit-stains off of their cars?
I wonder what next week’s distraction will be.
@7 My guess will be that the first one to snap will be an armed homeowner who steps out to see his wife being beaten.
I believe I saw elsewhere where these three jackoffs were charged not only with robbery but with hate crimes as well. I’ll see if I can find the link.
While I philosophically oppose the concept of “hate crimes”, in this case I think perhaps I could tolerate a conviction on those grounds. Poetic justice, Karma, what have you . . .
My bad – the “hate crime” info is in the SFGate article cited above. I was vectored to the article from elsewhere (Drudge, if I recall correctly) and didn’t realize the same article was linked here.