These kids suck…
OK, first the video:
Look, there are a host of reasons I want to have kids: slave labor, keep my wife busy, someone to mow the lawn, easy to beat at basketball, etc. At the top of that list is having a kid to just dominate the shit out of mutton busting. Make no mistake, I probably won’t get rich of riding my kids success in this, but it just seems the market place is so open for a dominant kid to grab our attention. These kids all stink.
Like dude, #8, what was with that tackling the sheep thing? What did furry dude ever do to you? And you with the lollypop, get your head back in the game. I’m going to have the kids sitting there watching Teletubbies or whatever passes as entertainment for these little snot factories and make then keep making fists in huge tubs of sand. Your forearms hurt? I don’t care. Keep working it, or I will toss this sippy cup and blankie out in the snow.
And my kid isn’t wearing that helmet either. You might think the goal is to stay on the sheep, that’s all your little non-achieving mentality can grasp. My kid will be like the damn Zorro of mutton busting. That sheep will be up on 2 legs dancing around like Michael Irvin.
Can we just be honest? These kids suck. My kids will dominate this shit.
PS: Please spare me the ridiculous comments and emails, yes, this is about the cutest thing I have seen in weeks, and this was an attempt at humor. Would totally go watch this.
Category: Politics
These kids are huge, the mutton busting I’ve seen the kids are in the 3-5yr range and actually have cowboy outfits on complete with hats and chaps. I am in favor of this plan since we won’t be able to bank on my superior athletic genes passing on.
Ditto on Mrs. TSO’s observation on the kid’s size. I’m thinking that they might outweigh the sheep. Just think, all you have to do is buy one sheep to keep you kids busy in the summer and it can also serve as lawn mower, raw material for socks, and mutton stew.
If your kids can translate even half of your unnatural infatuation with the sheeply arts to Mutton Busting, they will be the…whatever Jewel’s husband’s name is to the sport of Sheep Rodeo.
You mean Ty Murray the most accomplished Rodeo Athlete in the last 100 years…
TSO–screw mutton busting. That’s probably going to be the next child abuse/reality series which’ll come on just after that train wreck show Toddlers and Tiaras. I’m telling my girlfriend I’m gonna superglue some skates to the feet and a stick to the hand of her 4-year old and that kid’ll be the next Zdeno Chara.
Ah, screw it–he ain’t got the genes to grow to 6-9. Guess I’ll have to settle for Paul Kariya. Shit, even middle-sized white boys can’t play hockey anymore.
And MrsTSO–let’s just say that rodeoing ain’t exactly the most lucrative of professional careers.
Well, at least the video wasn’t about sheep shagging . . . . (smile)
Oh and TSO/MrsTSO, before you hook the little future TSO Jr. up to the lawnmower, just consider the tradeoff. He mows the lawn once every couple of weeks (after age 10, after much pleading/threatening) for which you got to endure many dirty stares in restaurants, airplanes, other public venues, changing countless diapers filled with substances that make nuclear waste look tame, and of course, as with the boy-child this past week, stomach bugs that hold on for 5-6 days which have things coming out both ends ala Linda Blair.
Yeah, I’ll take the kid every time too. Strange how children hold that kind of power over us.
Just remember:
They don’t call anthrax “Sheep Shearer’s Disease” for nothing.
That is not how we rode the sheep in the Navy!
Master Chief–that’s why they have Marines on ships–sheep are too obvious.
That little girl was hard as a coffin nail. The sheep she was riding bolted towards backup, and she didn’t give a shit. In fact, while outnumbered eight to one, she head-butted the first sheep to come in range, just to show ’em what’s up. Like a wool-powered cruise missile.
That’s stiff competition, TSO. Your boy better bring some game.
@5- fuck that. If he can’t skate, train his knuckles. Probert style.
Good video, but the Tide commercial sucked in a major way – almost didn’t bother to watch when the ad came on.
Kept looking for a “Press 1 for English” button. Nothing quite as entertaining as a Disneyland ad in Spanish!
But the sheep were cute. Oh, the kids, too. Errr, the children were cute.
(No lambs or even goats were injured in the making of this video.)
How about Igor Larianov, he’s not very big. Heck I skated with him and I’m 5’11” 195lbs and was quite a bit bigger than the Proffesor…of course he skated circles around me…my jockstrap is still somewhere in Joe Louis Arena…
Caroline follows rodeo? Now, who outside of Texas woulda ever thunk it? Well done with “Ty Murray”, Caroline! Cowgirl, up!
Dang sissies always playing with their food. I want them there children learning a productive skill when they are “playing” with farm animals like learning how to shear them, slaughter them and finally dress them. Oh and the girls can learn to cut and cook mutton right without the mint jelly goop.