Court upholds conviction of gay porn star Marine

| March 2, 2012

We first discussed Matthew W. Simmons last Fall when a military appeals court said that his conviction for wearing remnants of his uniform in a gay porn movie was improper. Well according to McClatchy, another appeals court has overturned that appeals court decision and upholds his conviction;

He took leave to appear in several commercial pornographic videos that involved sodomy with numerous other men, by his own account being paid $10,000.00 for his performances. Some of the videos included shots of him wearing his Marine dress blue coat with the Marine Corps device, decorations, and rank insignia affixed; others showed him wearing a Marine physical training jacket; and at one point he mentioned that he was a Marine.

All three members of the panel agreed;

The very essence of this pornography, styled, branded, titled, and marketed with a military theme, took on a distinct Marine Corps flavor and, on the facts before us, a prohibited service endorsement by the appellant at the institutional expense of the Marine Corps.

It’s nice to see the military finally standing behind their wear and appearance standards for a change.

Category: Marine Corps, Military issues

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Old Trooper

“took on a distinct Marine Corps flavor”

Ok, they didn’t need to phrase it like that, when talking about ghey porn.


… finally standing behind



They get paid that much???


ROS, about as much as he could make strolling the avenue, over time. At least until the sores and lesions start to pop out.


Man … Chesty must be rolling over in his grave.


UN, I sure hope his producers provide health coverage, and condoms, and pills….


One would think, in this day, that the ones involved in this, would know enough to take care of themselves. Unless they’re waiting for the government to step in. After all, Nancy P. was a great admirer of the “arts”.


The Marines are really taking it in the ass on this blog lately…oh wait,what.

Yat Yas 1833

The brass finally got something right!?! Although I’ll bet there was a SgtMaj there holding their collective hands.


@5 Oldsoldier…I hope Chesty doesn’t stop rolling over when he’s on his belly, or Simmons might make a pass at him.

This shitstain will get to star in a prison porn movie now.


That was my thought ROS, ten grand for taking it like a champ I suppose.


Thank God. This guy is a dipshit, and a disgrace. What do you bet his only ‘deployments’ have been Med Floats or better?


If I ever see this guy I’ll hit him for all of you. As a no good queerosexual chick I won’t get saddled with any hate crime nonsense.

Yat Yas 1833

Ya know Ann, I really don’t think anyone here gives a damn you’re “queerosexual”! You’re “AJ Squared Away” in my book. Semper Fi!


LOL! Thanks. I mention that more for the self righteous offended people who find this place, and who think we’re all evil bigots.

Yat Yas 1833

LOL! 10-roger on that!


There’s nothing quite so entertaining as seeing the confusion in the hippie’s eyes when they find out I’m a gay vegetarian who loves guns and UFC.


I’ll refrain from making the obligatory vegetarian/vagatarian comments. Too easy. 🙂


Pffft, comment away! IMO, as long as it’s funny it’s fair game. And pretty much everything can be downright hilarious.


I’m a liberal (more of a moderate, but saddled with that term by co-workers) who trains in MMA and owns multiple weapons. I love my guns and my jiu jitsu. As far as this guy wearing his uniform in a gay porn movie, its wrong. It would be wrong if he were wearing it in a hetero porn movie. Sexual persuasion notwithstanding, he brought dishonor to the uniform by his actions.


Maybe if he deployed a little more he’d be less concerned about his ‘acting’ career, and more on actually being a Marine.