The gaffe-Obamarama
Don Surber writes this morning that McCain has pulled ahead in the polling;
Republican Sen. John McCain erases an 8-point lead in just 5 days.
The One is now The Two.
Does anyone wish to call Republican Gov. Sarah Palin the female Dan Quayle again?
That must’ve thrown off Obama’s timing this morning. A reader emailed me this video of Obama verifying that John McCain hasn’t “mentioned my Muslim faith”;
Do I think Obama is a Muslim? No. Would it matter to me if he was? No. Honestly it wouldn’t. But he’s losing his grip of the language and the image as a “clean, well-spoken” guy (to borrow from Joe Biden). Then Rurick sends me this from the American Thinker‘s Ed Lasky;
During a nationally televised news program today, This Week with George Stephanopoulos, Barack Obama disclosed he once considered serving in the military. This is a very transparent move to bolster his national security credentials and occurred the day after a release of a Greenberg-Quinlan-Rosner poll that showed a widening credibility gap that the Democratic Party has with the voters over national security issues.
My buddy Jammie Wearing Fool notices;
Somehow upon graduating high school in 1979 Barack Obama registered for the draft, even though selective service wasn’t reinstated until 1980.
Little Green Footballs has the history of the restored Selective Service Registration, and mentions;
Several readers have emailed to point out that when Selective Service was reinstated in 1980, it was retroactive, so that Obama would have been required to register at that time. But the fact remains that Obama said he was required to register “when he graduated,” and that’s simply not true.
Now Obama said he didn’t join the military because there was no war going on when he graduated. Is that the only way the Liberals will join the military – when we’re under attack? My son joined in 2000 and I joined in 1974 there was no hot war going on at either time, but we were both ready with good military training when it came time to defend the country.
LGF also points out that Obama failed to mention his latest fantasy in his autobiography, too. I guess, like Hillary Clinton, Obama decided that thinking about joining the military gives him some sort of military experience and proves him fit to lead the country. Actually, it just proves that him and his team are finally admitting to themselves maybe he’s not qualified to be President.
And have you noticed? He has a funny name.
Category: Politics