The Way it Was – A Perspective

| February 28, 2012

Gonna abuse my posting privilege just a bit… This is a cause for Doc Bailey as I’ve noted.

I was NOT there, neither was WOTN.

However he puts it together well.

Incident in Baghdad.

On 12 July 2007, an Bravo Company, 2nd Battalion, 16th Infantry Regiment embarked on a mission to clear Al-Amin District of New Baghdad of Anti-Iraqi Forces, aka Mehdi Militia, aka Jayish al-Mahdi in order to provide freedom of maneuver to Coalition Forces.  By 10:20 AM, Baghdad time, they had taken significant amounts of SAF (small arms fire) and RPG (rocket propelled grenade) fire, sporadically.  Two AH-64D’s were in the area and responded.  What would happen next would inspire a movie, that would be nominated for an Oscar, but not win one.

“Now the war is over and in a lot of ways we’re still fighting it. It is my accretion that despite what many leaders of this very government said publicly or otherwise, we won. We won through the blood sweat and tears of the troops on the ground, that refused to give up.”  Doc Bailey

Category: Geezer Alert!, Historical

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This was an excellent read and shows the power of the media to distort the truth to fit its own ends. Thanks for helping to set the record straight. I was in Iraq as the ROE become more and more strict. A lot of our guys weren’t just afraid of bad guys but also of their own inability to defend themselves. People back here don’t realize how confusing the situation can become and how quickly it can all go to hell.


It’s always good to read anything from Doc Bailey. It’s also good to read the truth, particularly about our military.

Thank you for posting this.


Thanks for this post, I was really happy to see a worthy movie win the oscar and not that crapfest.


Good read.

The media was constantly looking for their ‘My Lai episode’ and found it in PVT Manning.