While vet health care gets cut, Gitmo prisoners get new soccer field

| February 28, 2012

Well, at least they’re putting my money to good use (Fox News link);

At a time of record deficits, a new soccer field for detainees at Camp 6 in Guantanamo Bay is just getting the finishing touches — at a cost of $750,000 to taxpayers.

The project was the highlight of a tour Tuesday of the detention camp for reporters at the facility covering the arraignment in a military court of Majid Khan, a former Baltimore resident and the the only legal U.S. resident on trial at Guantanamo.

The project began in April 2011 and is due to finish this spring. The detainees will now have three recreation facilities at Camp 6, which is home to “highly compliant” detainees who live in a communal setting.

Maybe we can kick in a couple of million more for a multiplex theater and some strip clubs, too. I suddenly don’t mind having my healthcare costs increased as long as they’re saving money like this. I just got a notice that my retirement pay has changed again this year. I wonder what that’s about, but I’m too scared to look.

Category: Veterans Issues

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This just pissed me off for the rest of the day. I haven’t been there since rotating home in 2005, but $750k for a soccer field? That is a ridiculous amount of money to push sand around.


And, fer gawd’s sake, Fox News, quit using b-roll and photos from Camp X-ray. Jesus, it got closed down forever ago!


Hell, why not fly in some hookers from South Beach every weekend…they (the ragheads)deserve the best…right?

This totally pisses me off…about as much as the news story about prisoners somewhere being issued i-Pods at tax payer expense.

God help this country…


What are they (prisoners) going to do with a soccer field in Cuba?? It’s not like they have AK-47s and women to execute there.


In 2002 I built 3 regulation soccer fields for the NYC parks department at Flushing Meadows-Corona park and it cost less than this 1 field. Astroturf, Bleachers, drainage system for 400K to include improvements (read fix up park features which had nothing to do with the fields and buy Parks department a SUV in their colors, a Lap top and 3D software).


I will probably end up with a knock on my door! After reading this, I called my Congressman’s office and demanded an explaination for this shit!!!!!!! I was NOT nice! I want an answer on who sponsored this and where this was snuck in!!! This is an outrageous!!! I am sending to every person I know. I an shaking typing this!!!!


Really? My university (a private Christian one) just spent that much money on a full sports complex to include a full soccer, lacrose, and indoor multipurpose gymnasium!


These things always puzzle me. They don’t surprise me anymore, I’ve gotten past that. But they still puzzle me. You can’t spend a chunk of money like this without it going past several heads. One dumbass in congress cannot sign off on this and make it happen. To get funding approved you have to get a whole bunch of dumbasses in congress to sign off on it. And even then there are several more steps and several more dumbasses that you have to pass it through. Also realize that some dumbass on the receiving end had to request it to begin with. Congress didn’t just up and decide to hand over a large chunk of change for something stupid. Someone had to request it. Someone had to write it into an appropriations document and push it forward. This is not the work of one idiot in a village. This is the work of a village full of idiots. Remember this the next time the geniuses in congress say they don’t have money for something. Evidently they pulled this out of somewhere.


Since its Navy turf, maybe these Squids that hang out here can answer?