Any Lefties Want to Try to Defend this Act of Dumb-Assery?

| September 6, 2008

This is exactly why I never attack men who are attracted to big boobs.

While pandering to a mouth-breathing gathering of imbeciles today, Barry attacked Sarah Palin for……….hang on, it’s worth the anticipation…………..earmarks!

HotAir has the details but here is the meat.

“I know the governor of Alaska has been, you know, saying she is change. And that is great. She is a skillful politician. But when you been taking all these earmarks when it is convenient and then suddenly you are the champion anti-earmark person. That is not change, come on. I mean, words mean something. You can’t just make stuff up. You can’t just make stuff up. We have a choice to make and the choice is clear.”

You can’t just make stuff up is the money part of this ass clown’s quote. The McCain camp quickly saw a 65 MPH fastball right down the middle, waist high (another unsolicited baseball analogy) and launched it into another time zone.

Barack Obama has requested the equivalent of one million dollars in new pork barrel spending for every working day he’s been in the U.S Senate, while John McCain has never once asked for an earmark, and Governor Palin has vetoed hundreds of millions in government spending including killing the infamous “bridge to nowhere”. Just like so many other issues Barack Obama is all talk, has no record to back it up and isn’t ready to make change. — Tucker Bounds, spokesman McCain-Palin 2008

In 143 days Barry has tallied a cool $1 million a day in pork, yet McCain has never earmarked a dime in 26 years!

Oh and Barry, you’re supposed to be campaigning against McCain, not his number two; that what your idiotic judgment of a selection for VP is for.

More important than the magnitude of the fleecing is where Barry was sending your money. Naturally, I am not shocked to discover that a few million went to his wife’s employer who naturally doubled her pay overnight. Of course he also procured a few hundred thousand more dollars from you to support those famous community organizers from which he was born; the greatest single voter fraud organization in America; ACORN.

Anyone pulling a lever for this idiot is either a racist or a dumb ass themselves.

Category: Politics

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[…] This Ain’t Hell naughtily asks if any libs want to defend the latest dumbassery from Barry […]


Look, another shit-for-brains conservative! The point is that Palin is a liar and a hypocrite. She claims to be a reformer, yet she took millions in earmarks and SUPPORTED the bridge to nowhere. Palin is corrupt and a fraud, and the public will know it soon!

Jonn wrote: The closer government gets to the people, the more liberal it tends to be…which is as it should be. A mayor knows where the money in their particular town should be spent better than a Senator or bureaucrat in DC, wouldn’t you agree?

I think it’s pretty disingenuous of a big government liberal to disparage a small town mayor for accepting earmark money – that’s kind of like the murderer who tells the police to stop him before he kills again. If Obama has a problem with earmarks, he should stop them at their source, rather than complain about the small governments who take the money.

See how I did that without calling you a shit-for-brains liberal?


As opposed to BHO NOT being a fraud and an empty suit full of hot air? C’mon, you can do better than that…unless of course, yu are wearing the triple strength rose-colored glasses(RCG’s)…
Here’s a thought, you SFB. Palin is not running for President. And, as AK governor, has significantly reduced earmarks and continues to do so. If you must compare, go ahead and look at Ovomit’s record. It pales. And FYI,earmarks are assinine inclusions on legislation that have nothing to do with said legislation. Last I checked, anyway.
So glad I can comprehend COB6’s SFB conservative post…you know me being another SFB conservative.


Take a deep breath, sip your cool-aid and look at those pesky “fact thingies”. Palin has attacked wasteful spending in AK and declined earmarked money. She’s been so good at it she has an 80% approval rating with the people of Alaska. (MAN you gotta hate that LOL). On the other hand, Big spender Barry can’t wait to get his hands in the collective wallets of America. Now… I might just be a SFB conservitive… but at least I have something in my head other than “good feelings and moonbeams”. My advice? Lay off the Pot and start taking your meds.


Actually Hussein O has requested over $5 million ($750 million total for payoffs to his friends and criminal associates) for each day he has worked (143) since being elected. He’s like most worthless democrats on any job, they cost you 5 times what they earn, In Hussein’s case it’s 750 million times what he’s worth.

I like the latest lie. “I thought about joining the military when I graduated from HS in 1979 and registered for the selective service”. Funny that the Selective service registration requirement wasn’t reinstated until late 1980. So far everything out of his mouth including “I’m not an Islamist” is a lie. He gave himself away when he stated on National TV that McCain had not attacked him on his Muslem faith. The truth has a habit of slipping out of the mouth of liars at weird times, like on TV.