The aftermath of the RNC

| September 6, 2008

The poor protesters. Imagine. They gave it their all and they were virtually ignored at the Republican National Convention. Protesters weren’t beaten by the police or biten by police dogs for the cameras. So the next best thing they can do is complain that their First Amendment rights were violated. What more legitimate organization make this charge than the Socialist Worker, the reigning queens of hyperbole?

THERE WAS a criminal conspiracy engulfing Minnesota’s Twin Cities during the Republican National Convention (RNC)–but it didn’t involve masked anarchists, as mainstream media outlets warned.

The real conspiracy was a plot by 30 federal, state and local law enforcement agencies to repress dissent and protests under the rubric of “national security” and the “war on terror.”

The repression caught in its wake antiwar protesters, environmentalists, pacifists, anarchists, socialists and reporters–in short, anyone who might show (or report on) signs of dissent against a government waging two barbaric wars while it can’t even provide health care to its own people.

Got that? A criminal conspiracy. How much more dramatic can it get? How dare the government wage wars against our enemies who would like every last one of us dead. How dare the government not tax the living crap out of it’s citizens to pay for the healthcare of people too lazy to pay for their own.

How do you crank up the venom from that point? Well, you can get a quote from an anonymous Iraq War vet to support your hyperbole;

According to the Wall Street Journal, police responded to protests with “pepper spray, tear gas, smoke canisters and what they call ‘distraction devices’ that give a loud bang and a flash of light…” A member of Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW) who witnessed some of the violent police attacks told reporters that police were “treating [U.S.] civilians like you would Iraqis.”

Of course, US troops don’t treat Iraqis like that…Iraqis generally comply with authority when it’s in their best interests.

Now, I watched videos of some of the confrontations between police and “peace activists”, and from what i could see, the activists got off easy. I saw police who used only their bicycles to defend themselves from assaulting “peace activists”. The “activists”  would’ve been shot dead for those assaults in most every other country in the world.

The “activists” should count their lucky stars…if the police hadn’t been there and private citizens were left to defend their own property and families, the “peace” movement would be burying countless of their friends today. The police protected them…you’d think they’d be grateful, wouldn’t you?

Someone asked yesterday if that had been Kokesh at the McCain speech. Yes it was;

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Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Pointless blather, Politics

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LT Nixon

Seems like the protesters were trying to bait the police into beating them in their misguided view of martyrdom. Must be a shit sandwich for the cops, because they’re boned either way (go too easy and the city gets trashed, go too hard and the ACLU is up in your grill). Kool Kid Kokesh strikes again. It’s disturbing to know that people my age have such high opinion of themselves and attach all kinds of self-importance. We’re supposed to be a bunch of cynical ne’er-do-wells.