Movin’ On Up

| February 2, 2012

Some guy who comments here got noticed.

Now this really sucks… If his blog gets enough hits I won’t be able to steal his ideas for my own posts!

He’s going to WVU and drives a Mustang… damn hippie wannabe.

Category: Geezer Alert!

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Doc Bailey

ha ha ha. I like the Vroom Vroom sound!


Get Some Doc!


My knee hurts *richt* here, Doc. Can ya hep me? lol.


Zero? Ya got to exert some musckles there, swabby!


Okay, that does it. Taking the plunge this weekend. And while I’ll never get the kind of traffic either Jonn or Doc gets, hey, WTF I guess.


Sparky…You surrendered too quick…



Doc Bailey

I’d just like to point out that 2/3rds of the page hits I’ve gotten have been in the last month. I’ve had this blog for years. Kinda funny how that works.

Cedo Alteram

I have seen your Blog Doc, hadn’t really had a chance to peruse yet. You and your 1st ID Bud over there CI either.