Another poser gun dealer

| January 31, 2012

I don’t know why these guys think what they’ve done isn’t good enough to sell firearms. This one came to us from a reader of Blackfive who sent the story of a guy he met at a gun show;

He was decked out in multicam, with an “infidel” and “sniper” tab, he also had a SEAL gold Trident pin on his tactical ball cap, his booth besides selling firearms offered tactical firearms training, and sniper training. …he claims “many years in special operations” but offers no unit or service records and only one grainy pic with no name tap or unit patches.

So we find out the guy’s name is Darrel Tracht, and here’s his “about” page on his website;

Many years in Special Operations, yup. We also found this picture of him;

Now a SEAL Trident between an Army CIB and jump wings would probably set off bells with anyone with more than a minute on active duty. I know what he’s going to say when he gets confronted “I’m only wearing the Trident” to honor SEALs – well, that’s pretty hollow when he earned jump wings and a CIB. Here’s his FOIA;

His actual awards;

Nothing there to be ashamed of. His assignments to “special operations” units;

I don’t see anything to be ashamed of in those records, so I have no idea why Tracht felt the need to embellish and wear stuff that didn’t earn. That’s not the kind of stuff that inspires customers’ confidence in a businessman.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Ne Desit Virtus

A perfectly respectable term of service and this fucking turd has to slap on a goddamn trident. These dumbasses boggle my mind

Cedo Alteram

He has a CIB, fuck the trident, why exaggerate?


Sweet Enola Gay.

As a DI you would think he would know better….I mean how many privates has he caught pulling the same crap?


Maybe he was only professing a religious pursuasion towards Poseidon?


Jesus, throw on a pair of dolphins and a PJ flash, whydontcha.

Takes a perfectly good record and just piles bullshit on it until everyone walks away shaking their head. Amazing.


I served in that 30th AG (Rec) too, that place was a meat grinder.

All the shots, the sitting around. The bunk beds. Still have PTSD from it.


I showed this photo to my 5 year old son, he said, “no daddy not another one”.


I just sent this to Mr. Trachts from his website:

Mr. Trachts,

What BUD/S Class were you in, what SPEC OPS units were you assigned to, and where did you go to sniper school?

From your website please tell me more about “False Hope of Security” and it’s relation to the lie.


Terence B. Hoey


This is just amazing. Why would a man with that kind of service need to embellish it? He was in a Bragg unit, was a Drill Sergeant, and has all the bells and whistles of someone who was in for a good tour. Hell, I wish my personnel jacket looked that good. So, why turn PX Ranger? Or would it be NavEx Seal?


Agree, his actual service record is highly respectable as is. Just sad that these kinds of veterans need to embellish perhaps at the spur of the moment and ruin whatever they accomplished.


This guy’s record is impressive enough as it is, albeit only slightly above average for an Infantry SSG with a similar amount of time in service. In fact, swap Airborne for Air Assault and Drill Sergeant for Recruiter and my records are not altogether too dissimilar. I feel like I haven’t done my share as recruiting and TOG ate up the last 7+ years, but this guy looks like he did two tours in Iraq and one in Afghanistan as well as a tour in Bosnia. More than his share of overseas time, then a stint training today’s generation of SPCs and junior NCOs.

I don’t get why people with outstanding records feel a need to embellish and lie about their service. Maybe he feels that he didn’t do enough during his twelve years, but retiring from the service at any point means that a veteran has given all they had to give.

Then again, given his abundance of spelling and grammar errors in his bio, maybe he just lacks basic smarts. I mean, hey, he was Airborne Infantry–yesterday’s special operations (not trying to detract from today’s Airborne, but in the 40’s and 50’s those guys were what Rangers are today)–so why shouldn’t he be entitled to wear a Trident. After all, perhaps in his world retirement interrupted a career that would have culminated in him becoming the first CSM of a SEAL Team.

CI Roller Dude

I think he should be proud of his actual awards and stuff…why add BS? Did a gear slip in his transmission?


Another Division guy claiming “Special Ops.” I guess it must true… they drink from the same water tank and are next to each other, might as well claim it.

Funny… if you didn’t make it to Group you did the “duffle bag drag to Division.” It is truly weird how many “Division posers” there are. I busted a Chief Deputy Sheriff a few years ago claiming SF… he was in Division! Nothing wrong with being AA. Unbelievable!


I am still confused with this one. Like others his record beats mine hands down (not that it’s a race).

I am proud of my 2 ARCOMs and 2 AAMs (I still refuse to admit to the third one) it is far more then 99% of the rest of the population has even bothered to do.

In my opinion this one is the worst. While I can summon a little pity for a numb nuts who makes up stories, but I have nothing but anger for one who betrays his brothers and sisters in arms.


My other half served with a guy who came from Teams and retired after 2 as an E-5. Just sayin’, anything is possible.


*after 20

Andy Kravetz

What is 30th AG (Rec)? I don’t know that terminology. Civilian journalist here but I cover the mlitary for the outfit I work for. Following blogs like this helps me learn what I need to know to do my job. And on the note regarding this, I don’t get why anyone would ever lie in this day and age. It takes, what, a few minutes on Google to confirm stuff? And he has a great record according to the FOIA request.

Anyway, thanks in advance for the answer.


Old Tanker


Guys like this piss me off the most, he had a great stint but had to do this??? WTF? I’ll never understand it….

Andy Kravetz

Rock solid, thanks. It’s hard to translate sometimes from jargon to civilian so I do appreciate it. great blog, btw. I have been a fan for a few months now.

high speed isnt a complement

just sent some goodies to his website since his facebook is down. i understand the goons that dont know any better saying they were this or that, like the “marine” at the airsoft meet. but the guys that have been in, and had a good go at it saying the were operators really bothers me.

Just Plain Jason

Its too bad, I almost feel ashamed for the guy. He probably did a lot of good shit in his time in and fucked it all up. It would be like if I put a Navy EOD badge on…I worked with the guys, so obviously…nah. Maybe a good stomp in the nuts would be good. I guess my time getting treatment for PTSD is softening my anger.

El Marco

just mail yer honorable discharge back to DoD and stick yer head in the loo.

“Special”. Yeah, I got yer special, right here.


I really hope there is a good back story to this. Like he trained a SEAL dog that saved a teams lives or and it was given as a gift from a dying SEAL buddy or something. Why screw up his already impressive record?


I’m with the rest of the folks here. I’m an E-5 Reservist (only 1 deployment) with an Aviation Maintenance Bn and I’m VERY proud of what I’ve done and accomplished (especially at MY age!) – His record makes mine look like chopped liver, and mine’s not bad at all.

What’s the point to adding on?? Is it just to try to drum up business?



“If you steal, your gonna lie, if you lie your gonna steal.” That reception 1SG would kick this poser’s ass if he knew.

I bet his business is failing and he felt he needed to boost sales. After all, what better way to impress the mall ninja’s and airsoft nerds than to be a “SEAL” or “Special Ops.”

Damn shame too. No excuse for this. We caught a PX ranger in my AIT when I re-classed to 14E. All of us were transitions, having been in the Army a hot minute. So this one dude claimed to have a CAB, purple heart and an ARCOM. Turns out he got a field grade Article 15 in Iraq and was sent back after 6 months. He tried to give our S-1 a fake DD214.

He was lucky, he got a company grade and has his toy medals and Class A’s taken away. last I heard he was barred from re-enlisting and got chaptered out. Out CPT should have gone for Stolen Valor. Why I dunno.

This retired wannabe just sank his business. A crappy website is a warning that the vendor is shady and this just proves it. People who bought stuff from him should demand their money back.


Pisses off REAL operators for sure this one included! I mean dir the better part if my 8yrs I answered the phone in my graphics shop and directed them to the proper personnel and even transferred calls to other units sometimes!

The nerve…..

triple B

#8, MCPO NYC USN (Ret.): Any reply back yet?


No reply from the gun dealer.


I really don’t believe that he has a CIB, nor do I believe that he has expert with “Carbine” bar…. I may be wrong but i’ve never seen a “Carbine” bar before…. but that is just me.


What ever cocksucker started this post needs to be skull fucked and then shot in public. Why post someones military record on the web for the world to see, what military branch was u in… Seems and sounds like kneel and Bob school, for those that don’t know, that is Dick sucking. People like u are what makes this country weak and we need to do away with. I know lots of people that work in military and are affiliated with more than one branch of service, that don’t make them possers than makes them patriots. I am not in the military but wear army shirts does that make me a posser. Put your effort in something more constructive like making your country better and quit bashing a brother…….


To prove a point that all military claims and be checked. That one should try to think twice about claiming honors and such from those that honestly have earned it.

Wearing a SEAL Trident when you have not been to it IS a travesty and disrespectful. More so since that this person has a legit CIB. I wonder how he would feel if he ran into a poser wearing a CIB that he did not earn?


[…] Tracht wants you to know he’s sorry February 27th, 2012 For those who don’t remember, Darrell Tracht, was the gun dealer in South Carolina who we caught, thanks to a Blackfive reader, wearing a SEAL […]

Red Flags

RED FLAGS – Why would he have taken PLDC & WLC Same course BNCOC & ALC once again same course… Some other ones about his time served as well….. Just Sayin’


I served with this guy in the 82nd. Not the sharpest knife in the drawer. He was a POS and never once served in any special forces unit, ever. The privates he was in charge of knew more than he did. We regretfully took him back as a replacement in out company mid tour. Seeing this doesn’t surprise me at all. Quite glad he was not my NCO.

Yat Yas 1833

@ 32 Josh, the problem is he lied. He lied and claimed honors that weren’t his. He had a respectable record and added things he didn’t earn.

You admit you didn’t serve so you can’t truly understand. I am a Marine. When I went through recruit training, in the ’70s, they still used “wall-to-wall counseling” (they smacked you), if the platoon screwed up we might miss noon chow, etc. I endured 13 weeks of this to earn the title, United States Marine. If you claim you are a Marine, you better be or you’ll be in for a world of hurt. I don’t have a 10th of what this guy has but what is on my “I love me wall” I EARNED.

As for wearing a t-shirt that says “Army” or “USMC”, there’s nothing wrong with it as long as you’re not trying to pass yourself off as a soldier or Marine. My daughter couldn’t wait to enlist in the Corps but she had asthma and couldn’t. She has as many Marine themed t-shirts as I do but she has never tried to pass herself off as a Marine. If someone asks she tells them, “My dad was a Sergeant of

As Nfld calling someone a c@cksucker, I think you need to apologize. Since you haven’t “been there, done that”, you don’t have the right.

John Rutter

I served with Tracht in the 82nd. He is a TURD plain and simple. Even when he was at Division, he had all sorts of bullshit stories about things he didn’t know shit about. Honestly, I’m not surprised he pulled this crap. Glad to see that he at least “manned-up” somewhat. Kinda didn’t have a choice since he got called on his crap…Good job Tracht..way to represent. Way to make the rest of us from the 82nd look like crap…how about this? Just quit wearing any of it…you have always been a disgrace to the uniform. Non-pt running..lisp having..sorry sack…


“As a DI you would think he would know better”

You don’t need to be a DS to know it is wrong to wear awards you do not earn. NCO’s uphold standards in the military. He failed.
Besides, it appears he was transfered to a transition unit after 10 months as a DS. That probably took a couple of months to get done. He probably actually only spent 6 months pushing meat. Where I come from, he wouldn’t have even popped his cherry as a Drill Sergeant.

Just an Old Dog

@32 Josh, nothing is put up here that is not public record. Any employer or even a private citizen has access to parts of a service record, namely DD214s.
There is a huge difference in wearing T Shirts or even cammies without rank or emblems and someone wearing parts of a uniform and either falsifying or embellishing their service record. This guy, who had a respectable service record (at least on paper) lied in order to improve his business. What would happen if a protologist, who is a Medical professional tried to pass himself off as a Nuerosurgeon?


Time and again I run into these folks. What’s odd is that they are not wannabes. There is a respectable service record and a rank at which they should know better. I even had a chaplain crossover from another branch-enough ribbons to look like Chesty Puller. Turns out he had done brig time for false awards. Ironically, he had enough legitimate awards from Southeast Asia alone to weigh down his left side. I had to punt him and flag his record, and he is barred from service in any capacity. I’ve buried too many who earned theirs posthumously. Indeed, my late brother was one-darned hard way to receive a Bronze Star. Call them out, set them right, tell them to take off what isn’t theirs. As for the never-served fakes, deal with it in an appropriate “kind, loving and Christian manner” keeping the settings on “smite”. Blessings.


The Dude’s military record is nothing to be ashamed of. Maybe he’s trying to impress people who don’t know much about the military?


Hmm if he’s willing to lie about this stuff is he willing to lie on his Federal Firearms License logbooks? I have an ATF inspector that I work with who’s a Navy vet perhaps he might have some interested colleagues.