Left’s favorite CIA spy arrested

| January 24, 2012

The Associated Press reports that John Kiriakou, 47, of Arlington, VA was arrested and faced a judge yesterday to answer for charges of outing CIA agents he worked with as an interrogator at Guantanamo. Kiriakou has been a darling of the Left since he first told the media that al-Qaida financier Abu Zubaydah was waterboarded 83 times and that the practice brought no actionable intelligence.

Tony Camerino has used Kiriakou as source for his own view of the interrogation process. TSO also mentions that Kiriakou is a favorite of Camerino’s proteges at VetVoice, including Jim Staro, the nearly indecipherable, yet most prolific writer at VetVoice.

A copy of the criminal complaint and affidavit against Kiriakou has been posted at the Washington Post and you can tell by reading it that not only he nonchalantly release the names of covert agents to the media, he apparently didn’t learn the lesson the rest of learned with Martha Stewart – don’t lie to the FBI.

He was caught because one journalist he identified an agent by name to, turned around and released it to one of the Gitmo terrorists’ legal team, so when the name came up in court, someone got suspicious.

Journalists are not your friends.

Category: Liberals suck

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Taco Bell

I wonder if that reporter has been vocal against the Military staff in Afghanistan? You know the type, bitch about this, bitch about that and hating…milkook types. Maybe even served in the military but left under less then gracious terms so now devotes his life to destroying the US Military….Would love to know his name!!


Let’s give credit where credit is due (something that the Washington Post seems to have forgotten) Kiriakou also worked on the staff of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. His boss? That world fameous Blue Falcon Senator John Kerry.

ex-Army doc

TAH readers should take a few minutes and follow Jonn’s link to the criminal complaint. The FBI explains the case with rock-solid logic and clear writing. You’ll need to read the first 25 pages to find the punch line on page 26.

The stuff on page 26 really speaks for itself, and, just as clearly, it says a lot about the Kiriakou’s character. The document shows he lied repeatedly to his then-colleagues at CIA while engaged in back-and-forth email with reporters.

I predict a GUILTY verdict.

Let’s hear more about Reporter A. According to the criminal complaint, Reporter A convinced Kiriakou to give up the identity of a covert operative, and within two hours, Reporter A emailed that information to the Gitmo defense team. Perhaps the NY Times could report on Reporter A’s behavior and their internal code of conduct (link below) which requires journalists to remain objective from current or future stories.


Right, like that story is likely to occur. Attorneys seem better than journalists about policing their own profession.


All of this for a book deal and some little bit of notoriety? What a greedy bastard.

Doc Bailey

So we have manning, this douche etc. Can we PLEASE stop pretending every asshole with a beef to grind with the Gov’t is a “whistle blower”