Vietnam Vet randomly attacked in Philly
They probably didn’t know he was a Vietnam veteran, but they knew he didn’t have both of his eyes. CBS Philly link;
“These animals are specializing on our elderly people out here and a gentleman who served our country,” Lt. George McClay said.
According to investigators, 64-year-old Edward Schaefer was walking to meet his wife at the bus stop when he was approached from behind by six males.
McClay said one of the suspects began the violent attack and the others joined in on the random beating.
Yeah, if it makes you Vietnam Veterans feel better, hearing you called elderly makes me feel old, too. For those of you in Philly;
In Pennsylvania a License To Carry Firearms is only required to conceal a firearm, or to carry a firearm in a motor vehicle. The law is silent on the act of openly carrying a firearm while not in a vehicle making it de-facto legal.
Pennsylvania’s Uniform Firearms Act provides a pre-emption statute which prevents anyone other than the state legislature from regulating the carry of firearms among other things. At one point in time Philadelphia had attempted to ignore this, but it has long been resolved.
I’m just sayin’…
Thanks to Old Trooper for the link.
Category: Veterans Issues
I’d say they need to strung up by their testicles from the nearest lamp post, but these little shits obviously have no testicles.
When they are finally caught they will be crying like babies, just wait and see. Punks are only tough when beating on the elderly or helpless.
Dang! I’m still trying to adjust to being “senior.” Not so sure about this “elderly” thing. Then again, when we become eligible for sosh securrrrity, maybe we are.
Not that we need be overly gracious about it.
Memo to self: buy more bullets.
Let me go ahead and preempt some of the comments from family and friends:
“These are good boys…they ain’t never done nothin’ wrong!”
“My boy don’t do this sort of thing! They got the wrong kid!”
“I’ve known my nephew all his life…this ain’t the sort of thing he and his friends do!”
“As a single mother, I can’t be around all the time, but I know this ain’t my boy they be talking about!”
And in keeping with modern liberal sensibilities, I’d like to go ahead and say I’m sorry of you’re offended by my mostly accurate portrayal of what we all know we’re going to hear in the days ahead as they frog march these punks into custody.
Claymore #4: Well said.
OTOH, the punks now have street cred. I dunno about the ‘frog march’ aspect. I’d consider a small bet that they’ll grinning in their arrest photos?
Claymore and Zero…Center Mass. I refuse to be considered elderly, period, end of discussion.
We expect “law and order”? That went out of style 40 years ago as a consequence of the 1917 Jones Act, open borders per the 1965 immigration law and political correctness–1991. Ronnie’s Amnesty Act of 1986 also chimed in.