Good news! Assault is free speech!

| January 4, 2012

Tman sends us a link from The Blaze to the best news I’ve heard in years. A Muslim woman struck a Jewish woman with a shopping cart while the Jewish woman was counter-protesting an anti-Israel “Apartheid Week” rally conducted by the Muslim Student Association;

“The incident in which Felber was assaulted with a shopping cart, for example, did not occur in the context of her educational pursuit,” Seeborg stated. “Rather, that event occurred when she, as one person attempting to exercise free speech rights in a public forum, was allegedly attacked by another person who likewise was participating in a public protest in a public forum.”

Muslim protesters aren’t the most tolerant protesters on the planet…I’ve watched them assault counter-protesters just about every time I’ve attended their protests. The police aren’t willing to arrest them and now judges aren’t willing to enforce laws now. I guess it’s up to us, like in everything else, to protect ourselves.

So I guess what you can take away from this is any assault you commit at a protest is protected speech…bad news for the stick-boy hippies, good news for those of us who believe that all they need is a good ass-whooping to get their lives back on track. I wouldn’t be the first white Christian to test the case in the courts, though.

Category: I hate hippies, Terror War

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Curteous Curt

Sadly you are a bit slow in reporting the news that is important. It has come out on yahoo recently that a woman in Olklahoma City shot an intruder in her home while she was on the phone with the 911 dispatcher. She had been on the phone with the dispatcher for 11 minutes according to the linked report.
I shed no tears for the man that broke in to her house with a 12 inch knife. What really bothers me about this report is that it causes a reasonalbe person such as myself to wonder if the Olklahoma City Police still ride horses rather than respond to emergencies with automobils. What kind of man would be so intent on breaking in to a home that he would continue to try to kick the door in even after he heard approaching police sirens. Or do the horses in Olklahoma City not come equiped with police sirens?
I guess it is possible that the woman did not actually live in Olklahoma City but somewhat farther away like Alva. It is fortunate that she was armed and had another shot available to her if it had been neccessary. I really hope that her baby is not scarred by the experience.


You might want to check your facts, spaced-out one. It happened in Blanchard, Ok. It’s a city of 7,600 people, and the area is rural in nature. But, that’s ok, we realize you aren’t operating with all 52 cards in your deck.
And, the baby is 3 months old, I doubt he’ll be “scarred” by this, at all.


And, to address the thread, some people’s speech, apparently, is freer than other people’s speech.
And, I don’t think I’d be willing to use this judge’s decision as a basis for any defense, if I were inclined to assault a Muslim or Occutard, er, exercise my free speech rights with a Muslim, or an Occutard. Of course, he falls under the umbrella of the 9th Circus Court of Appeals, so there’s little hope of this decision being overturned.

AW1 Tim

If I were to be involved in such a situation, I wouldn’t base my defense upon freedom of speech. Rather, i think I’d consider beating the living crap out of filthy stinking occupy hippies as “performance art”. There’s precedent for that, I believe. 🙂

Old Tanker


Maybe you could get a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts too!!


Wouldn’t it be poetic justice if the filthy, stinking hippie was packing heat and blew your brains out?


Obvious troll is obvious.

2-17 AirCav

The suit does not establish that assault is protected speech. The Jewish student sued Berkeley and the judge ruled that the school was not responsible for any harm that came as a result of private individuals exercising their 1st amendments rights, even if the exercise occurred on school property. No mention is made of whether a criminal complaint was filed against the shopping-cart pushing Muslim. That’s the way I read it, anyway.

I really like the performing arts defense. I guess it would be interpretive dance with a shopping cart.

Hey Joe, there’s hope for you yet! That’s the stuff–wishiong to see someone’s brains blown out. It’s said the difference between between Brown Shirts and Liberals is little more than the jackboots. I guess you just proved it. Nice going.

Frankly Opinionated

@#7 Redacted 1775:
I must correct your spelling:
OBLIVIOUS Troll is obvious.
Carry on.


Nobody ever said Marines were good at spelling Frank. Thanks for the help. 🙂


Wow, Joe. I think all those sessions of having your nose rubbed into your shit piles on the carpet cut off the oxygen to your three remaining brain cells just a bit too long, dude.

No, poetic justice would be you going the fuck away.

AW1 Tim

Hey Joe,

I suspect that the filthy stinking hippie would take about as much care of his weapon as he did himself and his digs at OWS. That being the case, I’m not worried. Even if he managed to get the safety unstuck and off, the weapon would likely be so full of shit that it would destruct in his hand when he pulled the trigger.

Darwin, et al.



So I guess what you can take away from this is any assault you commit at a protest is protected speech

I’m sure the #Occupy rapists are breathing a sigh of relief…


Would it be classified as a “sewercide by a hand-held shit bomb”, Tim?


Hah! Sewercide.


@#8, The Blaze quoted the PuffHo’s that criminal charges were filed, “While the university has previously disciplined some of the event’s participants and even had Husam Zakharia, the student who hit Felber with the shopping cart, arrested in connection with the incident, Felber (who graduated last year) has accused university President Mark Yudof, who is Jewish, of allowing an anti-Semitic environment to flourish on campus”. No mention is made of the disposition of the criminal case.
But, having a week of “Anti Israel Apartheid” protests would seem to make the case for Felber. Unless there was a week of Anti Pally Homicide Bomber Week demonstrations that I missed all mention of, somehow.

Doc Bailey

Hey you know that makes perfect sense now. I’m sure all those IEDs that killed my brothers and sisters was just Iraqis using their freedom of speech.

There are lines there are limits. The sooner we start realizing that the better we’ll be


Still stumbling around trying to get my head around the phrase anti-Israeli “Apartheid Week.” Must be one of those nuance things we outside academia are incapable of understanding.


And still wondering how the ACLU is going to square this with the anti-bullying efforts that abound these days. Just the extreme of “It’s OK to slug someone (if they support an unapproved cause), but don’t call me names?”


Today at work I had an hourly associate say that “violence doesn’t solve anything”. I was happy to explain that to them (& everyone around) that violence and the willingness to aggress solved Everything. We talk, weedle, cajole, beg even, but the Sure Way to safeguard your family or yourself is violence or the willingness to do violence. I stongly believe that the alliance between Jewish people and the left will come to an abrupt stop when Jewish folks realive that the left won’t fight to protect anyone-Especially the Jewish folks that they’ve been so willing to demonize for the last 10 years.