The Rambo remake gets to be based on a “true” story

| January 2, 2012

If you haven’t yet girded yourself for the post Iraq/Afghanistan round of “crazy vet” movies and other slanderously anti-military entertainment narratives coming out of the liberal enclave of Hollywood you better start now. The latest unfunny anecdote which will no doubt trump the mountain of evidence about vets is a story out of my backyard in Seattle. From Fox News:

Authorities are conducting a manhunt at Mount Rainier National Park in Washington State after a park ranger died in a shooting Sunday following a routing traffic stop, authorities said.
Sheriff’s spokesman Ed Troyer said late Sunday afternoon Benjamin Colton Barnes, a 24-year-old believed to have survivalist skills, was a “strong person of interest” in the slaying of Margaret Anderson. A parks spokesman said Barnes was an Iraq war veteran. Authorities recovered his vehicle, which had weapons and body armor inside, Troyer said.

Barnes was also a suspect in the early Sunday morning shooting of four people at a house party south of Seattle, police said.
Authorities believed the gunman was still in the woods, with weapons. They asked people to stay away from the park, and for those already inside to leave.
“We do have a very hot and dangerous situation,” Troyer said.
Troyer said authorities were following tracks in the snow they believe are from the gunman, and crews planned to bring an airplane through the area with heat-seeking capabilities.
“We believe we have a good track on him, but he’s way ahead of us,” Troyer said.

The local Fox affiliate (via the Chicago Tribune here) is circulating a short bio, and this rather unflattering photo of Barnes:

They also assert he was picked up for DUI in 2009 and has a restraining order by the mother of his child. They also speculate (without an evidence) that he’s a currently serving member of the Reserves or Guard. The family and friends of the victims have my sincere condolences. I’m not sure if they’re actually aware of any evidence of his “strong survival skills” aside from being a vet. At this point nobody even seems to know what it is he did in the military.

I hope that those in positions which can make a difference make the best effort to keep things in perspective as they discuss our community.

Category: Crime, Military issues

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Bill P

Streetsweeper, I am not sure what you are refering to about the dirt bag that shot the park ranger, but it appears that he never went out side the wire,
No CAB, the only picture was from his facebook?? Also see the article in Stars and Stripes, and I am not a Perry, spent time as a medic with the 82nd in Dom Rep and as a medic in dust off in VN.

Cedo Alteram

#42 I would not vote for Ron Paul under any circumstances. If by some tragic couse of events, he got the nomination, I’d just stay home.

#48 “I think Obama is beatable, but do you think he is, separate from the support of Ron Paul Republicans and Libertarians [two distinct groups].” As regards to Libertarians, which I am not, I have never found them to be as monolithic a group as they hint at. So some self desciption of said is always needed.

#36 That spin Factor, which I skimmed, site is very much in the Lew Rockwell vain. A so called “Conservative” site dedicated to fighting the liberal media, but spends a gross amount of time going after other conservatives, Fox, and, “neocons” for whom they disagree. They seem to care more about heretics then liberals. So I’m skeptical of their claims.

As for the other article it seemed to lead to, Huffington post, and Russia Today. Three venues as we all know not to be peddlers *cough* *cough* of AntiAmerican conspiracy crap.

The only credible report I saw was to ABC news that mentions this. That is the only one I’ve ever seen and even then I have a feeling it is just the same Paulites making multiple donations. Beyond Paul, something about the way they tabulated their info seemed odd to me. Something to investigate further.

Doc Bailey

A Paul presidency would probably be more disastrous than a second Obama term. Paul is actually a lot like a Liberal in a lot of ways. he knows the Truth, and he knows who Lies and no amount of facts are going to convince him otherwise. What really bothers me is that he is rather a lot like Gordon Duff when talking about Israel (which is another place the name of Veteran is taken in vain). Worse his naieve attitude about military strength would be fine if we were not in a global world. But the Idea of what Paul might do if we had an Embassy stormed (as seems increasingly likely in the post-arab spring world) leads me to think of Desert one. He goes on and on about War Mongers, it actually makes you wonder when he would use force. If economic sanctions are an act of war, then what the hell are we supposed to do about China which is playing all sorts of games with us? now as for this fuck stick. . . well have you noticed that the media is cheering for a “first blood” style rampage? Its kinda funny how everyone remembers him freaking out while they were trying to shave him, and him running into the mountains but totally forgets the last five minuets which are the most important “over there I was in charge of million dollar pieces of equipment, I could fly helicopters, and shoot tanks, here i can’t even hold a job parking cars!” It was a movie all about the isolation Veterans felt at returning home. A country that either stopped caring or openly hated them for the job they did. Now we have a name for this syndrome. PTSD. And it’s thrown around the same way that Rambo is/was. We’re all ticking time bombs. I’m sorry but that’s bullshit I have PTSD. I have nightmares and insomnia. I don’t like sitting with my back to a door, and don’t like overly crowded places, and I really don’t like hearing someone say “allah huakbar”. I have flashbacks, and… Read more »