Colonel Lowe addresses new Marine LTs

| December 29, 2011

John sends us a link to a speech given recently to the graduates of the most recent Basic School at Quantico by the commander of that base, Col. Mike Lowe. Col. Lowe addresses the new lieutenants and tells them the eight things he learned about leading Marines during his 28 years in that business;

1. Seek brilliance in the basics, always do the right thing, and have a plan to kill everyone you meet.

2. If you are riding at the head of the herd, look back every now and then and make sure it is still there.

3. Never enter an hour-long firefight with 5 minutes of ammo.

4. This one is really important for all of you born North of Washington, DC. Never, never kick a cow chip on a hot day.

5. If you’re not shooting, and I can see by your marksmanship badges that some of you are challenged in this area, you better be communicating or reloading for another Marine.

6. There are three types of leaders. Those who learn from reading, those who learn from observation, and those who still have to touch the electric fence to get the message.

7. Anything worth shooting is worth shooting twice. Ammo is cheap.

8. And finally, you might want to write this one down: Never slap a grown man who has a mouth full of chewing tobacco

I can’t find anything wrong with any of that advice. Col. Lowe foes on to explain what he likes most about Marines, and you should read them all. Out of them all, I like this one best;

I like the fact that if you are a self-declared enemy of America, that running into a Marine outfit in combat is your worst nightmare, and that your health record is about to get a lot thicker or be closed out entirely!

Category: Military issues

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A few more tidbits from the Laws of Combat:

–If the enemy is in range, SO ARE YOU.
–Never forget your equipment was made by the lowest bidder.
–Friendly fire isn’t.
–The most dangerous words ever uttered are by an Ensign/Second Lieutenant who says, “Well, back at the Academy…”
–A clean and dry uniform is a mud, water, and shit magnet.
–The worse the weather, the more you’re required to be out in it.


Similar to #6: There are three ways to do things: the right way, the wrong way, and the Marine way.


You are not Superman; Marines and fighter pilots take note.

A sucking chest wound is Nature’s way of telling you to slow down.

If it’s stupid but it works, it isn’t stupid.

Try to look unimportant; the enemy may be low on ammo and not want to waste a bullet on you.


I think my favorite from the speech was:

“We own this side of the street! Threaten my country or our allies and we will come over to your side of the street, burn your hut down, and whisper in your ear “can you hear me now?” And then secure your heartbeat.

Secure your heartbeat = priceless