Tom Clancy angers liberals

| December 21, 2011

After several years’ hiatus from Tom Clancy – Red Rabbit just turned me right off from his novels – I just read four of his novels in a row.

I just finished Tom Clancy’s latest “Locked On” and I found myself wishing I was living in his world rather than my own. He created a tale that is wholly believable in today’s climate. An ultra-liberal president who was more anxious to make a hasty exit from the wars left over from his predecessor than actually making the world safer.

A Justice Department which, instead of hunting terrorists, hunted the heads of US soldiers who *gasp* killed enemy soldiers. ACLU lawyers who passed classified information to and from their incarcerated clients.

But the most important aspect of the story was that Clancy actually had a candidate worth voting for – Jack Ryan.

Anyway, the reason I brought this up is an article at
MRC TV about the latest iteration of the video game “Rainbow Six” which has apparently got the Left in twisted knickers;

This is due to the fact that, as you can see from the trailer above, the bad guys are basically Occupy Wall Streeters on steroids. Or, considering all the rioting, attacks against police, and pyrotechnics coming from the occupiers lately, just a better organized next step for the more violent members of the 99%.

Either way liberals seem off put by the idea that they might actually be the bad guys in a fictional piece of entertainment for once. Boo freakin hoo.

Here’s the graphics they’re talking about.

I’m by no means a gamer, I last about three seconds in the first version of Rainbow Six when I couldn’t get my ninja to climb the stupid trellis. But I might take a shot at it again if it means I get the added bonus of stomping hippies.

Category: I hate hippies

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Zero Ponsdorf

Dunno about the gaming thing YET, but it IS an odd bit of synchronicity that I’m about half way through “Dead or Alive” myself.

Am about to pick up “Locked On” as well.

Aside: I’m still wading through Call of Duty – Modern Warfare.


Problem with Red Rabbit is it almost seemed like he phoned it in (yeah, nobody “phones in” a book, but still) and I’ve never understood his branching out into Rainbow Six/Splinter Cell/et al, but God knows he has a great talent to take real world scenarios and incorporate them like he did with Hunt For Red October.

Most submariners still don’t believe how he got that book written and published.


reading locked on and it grabs you.

Old Trooper

I don’t see a problem with the game, so far as the trailer is concerned. I guess for the leftists, it’s far more entertaining to chop up republicans in their little zombie hunt game they had online? As usual, they like to dish it out, but when the tables are turned; they run around crying like the little bitches they are.


I usually dont play first person shooters as they generally are the cause of most of the broken controllers and keyboards in our house but I may have to break my own rule when this game comes out.


Don’t hold your breath, ARoberts–the clip showed a release date of 2013.

The Dead Man

Well this is a nice refreshing change from the last two Rainbow 6 games that tossed the planning for straight up generic shooters with bad plotting. I’d be happier with a new Ghost Recon game written by him rather than the crap put out with the title now. Haven’t even remotely caught up in the books either, I’ve been reading the Glen Cook stuff that was just recently reprinted as well as re-reading the Black Company series.

I’d skip the second Modern Warfare if I were you Zero, the plot holes rival the vacuous spaces between the OWS crowd’s ears.

B Woodman

From the trailer — where are/were the hippies/OWS?

Cedo Alteram

Don’t read alot of fictions so can’t say I’m a fan of his work, though I know who he is. Still after all this time of public entertainment(yeah I’m looking at you Marvel comics) trying to use Tea Partiers as a back drop for every damn nefarious plot, this is good. I just don’t think the OWM even come close to the level of compentancy for anything like this. I mean these people would have a problem with just bathing or explaining the purpose of their movement, how would they of all people plan such an endeavor?

Doc Bailey

my $.02 this would make more sense if the dudes were fifthly smelly hippies. True Believers in the communist way ( which is Right and Proper according to the Left) re not believers in the Fine Suit. Or the Shower/Bath/Soap thing.