Occupy Wukan

| December 14, 2011

The Washington Post reports about what a real protest looks like along with a typical Maoist response from the Chinese government;

For the past four months, thousands of residents of the fishing village of Wukan in China’s Guangdong province have been protesting. The unrest began after the local government seized and sold off nearly $154 million worth of their land.

Now, police have sealed off Wukan and cut food supplies to the village, hoping to crush the uprising there once and for all. Supplies are already running low, and police are also preventing villagers from fishing, residents say.

See? That’s repression, you Fleabaggers. But, I guess capitalism is the problem. All the people in Wukan have to do is complain about their civil rights being violated and the government will relent, right?

Category: I hate hippies, Occupy

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Not the same at all! I’ll bet there’s not a single one of those villagers with a Masters or PhD who has been tricked into signing for a student loan the size of a mortgage that he can’t repay.


oh yeah – sarc off.


You mean the Guangdong Institute of Groupthink doesn’t have a Masters program in Uighur Transgender Political Empowerment Art?


“In a concession to villagers, the nearby Lufeng city government released a statement Wednesday saying that the arrested representatives who are still in jail would be allowed a visit with family members.”

By representatives “who are still in jail” they mean “who have not yet been beaten to death”.

This is horrifying stuff.


I would SO love to drop a few of the OWS douchenozzles, led by our buddy Scoot Olsen, into this bucolic little burb for a few days of experiencing REAL oppression.

Then, provided they survive, ensure they use those retarded “people’s microphones” to explain to the other douchenozzles what whiny crybaby fucksticks they are.

Just Plain Jason

But wait I thought that communism was all cute and fuzzy and sweet and nice…not all mean and heartless…


I am also starting up a Occupy Christopher Walken group, which will feature a shitload of cowbells.


TSO–maybe we can get a few of the OWS groupies to reenact the Russian Roulette scene from Deer Hunter, with the government officials playing the Vietcong, bitchslapping Scoot and going, “MAO!! MAO!!!”

Only one change–the hippies have to use a .45 auto.

Yeah, I know, hippies. Cruel and heartless. Embrace the suck, you whiny fucksticks.

Just Plain Jason

Next thing you are going to tell me is that China has forced abortions and no free speech…


How does one say, “Fucked” with up and down-twinkles?