Iran claims they’re almost done decoding their new drone

| December 12, 2011

I don’t think the iranians could decode the New York Times crossword puzzle, but they claim they’re almost done decoding the drone they found last week according to the Associated Press;

Lawmaker Parviz Sorouri, who is on the parliament’s national security and foreign policy committee, said Monday the extracted information will be used to file a lawsuit against the United States for the “invasion” by the unmanned aircraft.

Sorouri also claimed that Iran has the capability to reproduce the drone through reverse engineering, but he didn’t elaborate.

Well, if we had a leader with gonads, he would just go ahead and bomb the shit out of whatever facility contains the drone at this point. I mean the world is already going to point their fingers at us for violating Iranian airspace with the drone, we might as well go ahead and really violate their airspace and keep them from duplicating the technology on top of the world’s condemnation, right? By blowing the drone (and the scientists) to shit we can at least mitigate the intelligence loss. And while we’re blowing shit up, we could make a side trip to their nuclear facilities and drop one down the chute there, too.

It’s actually an opportunity of a lifetime.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Terror War

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Frankly Opinionated

I would think that we would build an explosive charge into these drones, with the button in the hands of the controller. I can see it now, using the onboard camera and watching people walk around it, and then Ahmadinnerjacket walks up to look at it and KABOOM!
Works for me.

Frankly Opinionated

Y’all, if Jonn seems a bit testy, it could be that I had forgotten to click his ad links for a couple of weeks causing him to run out of cigar money. Help me restore his stash of stogie cash, and click til it hurts.


You know the apologizer-in-chief would never do that. This is probably part 2 of his plan that began with Fast and Furious. Now, we are giving hostile foreign nations American military tech.

SGT Kane

And then he can use that as an excuse to NOT deploy the military to foreign lands. Or at least if he does, it will be an excuse not to deploy us with all the tools we need. It’ll be world war one all over again!


There were reports that the CIA knew where the drone was before the Iranians got to it and had plans drawn up to either send in SAD guys to destroy it or to bomb it and he wouldn’t do that. No way in hell the pussy would actually bomb whatever facility its being housed in.

Adirondack Patriot

I think (which always leads to unintended consequences) that the CIA has a tracking device in it. When the Iranians take it to their Batcave lab, there will be a lot of unexplained explosions in and around said lab and the number of Iranian super-geniuses will be revise downward.

I also think (again, please see parenthetical entry above) that we may have a new Stuxnet virus that will become active when they attempt to access the drone’s CPU.

Then again, I’m a Mets fan and I thought we would re-sign Jose Reyes.

Adirondack Patriot

#1: Sounds a lot like the plot in the movie “The Chairman” where the spooks implanted an explosive in Gregory Peck’s head.

Frankly Opinionated

“I don’t think the iranians could decode the New York Times crossword puzzle”
Jonn, you could be arrested for divulging Iranian state secrets with that disclosure. Love it.
Now to click some more ads.


Seriously, even if you had the ability to build the hardware (which they don’t–and neither do the Chinese) to get to the software, even through something “simple” like a 32-bit encryption would be (which I would HOPE the CIA would NOT be using, 128-bit at least), shall we say, daunting at the least for people who are still getting their asses kicked by trying to keep 30-year old Tomcats in the air, let alone anything more complex than a first-generation Nintendo box.

2-17 AirCav

@6. I wonder how much LoJack would cost for a drone.

“General, we have located your drone and we have notified the Iranian police.”


Meh, Im still not 100% convinced this is even a real UAV the Iranians have. I flew UAVs for the Army and have seen what happens when we lose one and it finds its own way to the ground. They never look that good after a crash.


Seriously, I’ve worked with drones before (the joy of supply is that you get to play with ALL the cool toys).

1. This thing didn’t self destruct when it lost signal to its piloting rig.

2. This thing soft-landed from a high altitude mission without crashing nose-first.

3. This thing didn’t self-destruct when its primary panel was opened without all three keys having been inserted and turned within three seconds of each other.

4. The military actually came out and said they lost it shortly after the Iranians claimed they captured it.

5. This thing didn’t have a camera mount below it but the government said it did have a mission payload.

I have two theories as to how this happened. The first is similar to the Navajo code crash during WWII that was filled with false information for the enemy. The second is that the payload was actually a bug that we will see the effects of soon.

I am more prone to believe that it is the second of my theories. Recently, scientists have said they have mutated the H1-N1 into a human-transmittable strain. With the lack of major traffic in and out of Iran, it wouldn’t take much to drop a bug with the drone and let the society destroy itself with its extreme isolationism.

But, what do I know, I’m just a grunt.


What’s with the paint job? The drones I’ve seen and relied on, as well as the photo of the RQ-170 at KaF, didn’t sport a pearly tan finish.


My question also, CI. I thought drones were painted in shades of gray, gunship gray, light or dark ghost gray,neutral gray or haze gray.
And, I go along with AP in #6, “we may have a new Stuxnet virus that will become active when they attempt to access the drone’s CPU”. I would bet the Iranians are standing around now, going, you download, I ain’t gonna download anything, you download it.

Doc Bailey

Well I think we’re pretty fucked now. Funny how we rely so much on drones, and now they come up with Jammers than bring them down. Who could have seen that one coming.

Please someone with sense send a Tomahawk to that drone time now.

Cedo Alteram

“Sorouri also claimed that Iran has the capability to reproduce the drone through reverse engineering, but he didn’t elaborate.” When I read that, all I could think of was the movie 2001. That find for Iran, was like the apes finding the monolith. To quote one of Arthur C. Clarks laws, when encountering an unknown superior civilization “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”. They may be inpired, awed, and live in fear of it, but there is absolutely no way they have any hope of reverse engineering or replication. Its simply magic to them.

I have a bad feeling, like the helicopter tail we left on a wall in Pakistan, the chinese will eventually get to inspect it. That is a far bigger concern.

12# I think part of the reason we didn’t destroy or try to execute a retrieval right away, is simply because we didn’t know where it was. Someone correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t think we know exactly where it is now do we? It was a technical problem that brought it down in the first place, not the Iranians. Who knows what the basic assumption might be when we loose contact with an unmanned craft.

Frankly Obama has not had the stomach to confront Iran about anything and risk a confrontation. Thats been his administration operating principle since assuming office. Libyan sure or Uganda he’s on it, but real threats or policy to formulate(Iraq,Iran,China) forget it. Anywhere that we might have real resistence or security issues he avoids.