Cue the Spam Song

| December 6, 2011

Category: Geezer Alert!

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SPAM…I actually like it. Fried up for breakfast, it goes good with an omelet or eggs of your choice.

As for my Dad, he said that SPAM was typically served almost three meals a day in the Army Air Corps/Force during WWII. After the war, just the smell of it would induce nausea…make him “want to puke”, and it was a verboten item in our kitchen.


That is flippin’ awesome! Semper Fidelis, Span Czar! Semper Fi.

Doc Bailey

I’m not a fan of spam, except as a filler for sand bags, but good for him.

CI Roller Dude

The other good things you can use Spam for:
1.) building bunkers
2. Up armor for any vehicle
3. hold up your bunk bed
4. you full can as a hammer
5. use as a projectile weapon when you run out of bullets
6. paper weight in office
7. re-gift it when others have a birthday
8. plug up ass when you get the runs.

Bill R.

I still eat Spam hot and spicy. Believe it or not, Spam is still to this day a big black market item in Korea. They love it!!


Where is this guy from?