Matthis still in your schools teaching your kids
In this video, Matthis talks to about 180 school children (their count) in a New York City public school representing World Can’t Wait, the anti-war group which began by just opposing President George W Bush and founded by members of the Revolutionary Communist Party and Anarchists. Their program is called We Are Not Your Soldiers and their purpose is to “educate” kids on how to resist military recruiting;
Here’s a video of a Philadelphia School system teacher praising herself for having these radical communists talk to her students about the importance of resisting recruiters. Like Recruiters just load up students on the bus and drive them off to basic training without their permission.
Thanks to one of my ninjas for the link.
Category: Antiwar crowd, Shitbags
Chiroux: “So, there it is boys and girls. Any questions?”
Student: “Every day we say the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. And my dad is in the Army and he wears the flag on his shoulder. I saw a picture of you burning our flag. Why did you do that?”
Chiroux: “Wow! Look at the time! I really have to run. Thanks for your time, kids.”
Reason #9122 why we homeschool.
It would be the perfect time for one of the
It would be the perfect time for one of the little tykes to stand up and scream Scott Olsen! And then brain the useless fuck with a paperweight.
Sorry bout that..on my BB and it posts whenever it wants…
New York and Philly–neither of which have graduation rates much above 50 percent, if that.
Yeah, someone oughta tell that teacher her kids won’t be able to enlist without a HS diploma, because even a GED is considered “non-traditional”, meaning you have to cut over a 50 on the ASVAB and be so clean you squeak.
Again, Methis–I want to know when he DEPped in. Even his recruiter was probably holding his nose filling out that kit.
“representing World Can’t Wait, the anti-war group which began by just opposing President George W Bush and founded by members of the Revolutionary Communist Party and Anarchists.”
You forgot to mention that they get their funding from George Soros (who financed their start up and continues funding them) and the hollyweird commies.
I taught my own kids how to resist military recruiting:
I home-schooled ’em.
Methis, looking more like a meth head every time someone posts a video or pic of him. And, it’s not doing much for him in the coherent and logical department either. Methis=poster child for Occutards and drugs.
“Someone oughta tell that teacher her kids won’t be able to enlist without a HS diploma”, no they won’t, but they will be able to go to the nearest Occutard hangout and protest that they want a “guaranteed living wage”, without working.
That’s fine, Beagle Keeper. Who the hell cares?
of all the organizations in the world, out there doing things, the military in general has been trying hard to be as positive an influence as possible. Look at how many aimless young men enter the Army and leave with (if not direction) a purpose.
Every time there is a disaster, there is a MEU, or airborne brigade ready to go. Matthis is annoying as hell, and it bugs the shit out of me that he’s still doing this
Elaine Browers Daughter is a NYC School teacher. I’d wager she gets them into this school. I’ve said this before the Board of Educations Special INvestigations unit, should be contacted about why a Self Admitted Sex Offender is allowed to come into Schools without the parents knowing about it? And Sponsored by a Political group, I’m fairly sure that is against regulations as well, Imagine the John Birch society being allowed to present to students in the school?
Pretty Sure Mayor Bloomberg and the Schools Chancellor Wallcot dont know about this either.
The kids are basically being taught that it is wrong to serve and protect this country. This is so close to treason it could stick to it.
Yeah, I wouldn’t get too worked up about it. When I was a Navy recruiter, I spoke to groups in high schools up to 5 times that size on a nearly daily basis. Even on a “bad” day I spoke to 3-4 different 30-40 person classes.
That oughta make WCW start shitting bricks.
Maybe this chucklehead teacher should have had both perspectives in her classroom? She brags about there being another side, so bring in David Bellavia at the same time as having Methis there and see what happens then. David isn’t a recruiter for the military, but I bet his perspective is different from Methis.
I know, she wouldn’t be so open minded to have the other side represented at the same time, but in her intellectual vacuum, she thinks she’s oh so smart.
here’s a thought. Just spitballing, how about someone goes in after him and shows the counterpoint?
That would require the school even allowing a second opinion. Most schools are so controlled by Commies that is impossible to have a good debate. Just mind control the Kiddies to hate the Military and their parents.
2-17 AirCav (10),
Hey, just my two cents, my perspective. No need for hurt feelers.
In the mid-nineties (when my sons were 7, 5 and 3), I actually intended to counsel them to join what I considered to be the “real” military — i.e., the Marines or the Army. (I’d served in the USAF.) Not “merely” as a grunt or ground-pounder (no disrespect intended). Go for some kind of technical MOS with a skill set that would be marketable when you get out, but join a an actual service branch that would also teach you how to handle yourself in combat.
America’s behavior post-9/11 changed that. (Primarily the whole Iraq invasion BS.) As my boys got older, I (sadly) felt I had no choice but to counsel ’em against enlistment.
“Sadly,” because I whole-heartedly believe that a nation’s young men should be trained and prepared to defend it.
But I also believe that a professional standing army is not the way to accomplish that.
Today I’m an advocate for the Swiss system of militia-based armed neutrality. And I think the US could pull it off, easily.
But we don’t want to.
@18. Well, at least you can explain yourself nicely. Good luck.
@18: we were that way. The War of 1812 proved the folly of that. Indeed every time there was a national crisis, they had to raise an army (which took time) and was actually more expensive than a standing army.
Needless to say we got spanked by the British, and it was only our plucky determination that kept us in the fight (one could also make the case for divine intervention)
As for the invasion of Iraq, it was the national will, and the Army is the tool of that will. I was a Medic (one of those technical MOS’) and I also learned a lot of grunt stuff. I only went to Iraq (kinda wish I’d swung a rotation to the Stan in there) and I can say that it was not the Soldier that failed, or did not do good works, that always came from above.
@18 – The Swiss system is admirable in both it’s efficiency and fairness with dealing with its military. The problem is that a system like that just wouldn’t work for the USA as it stands right now.
While we do share similar geographic limitations to invasion, Switzerland simply doesn’t swing a sack nearly as big as ours. Our size makes us a target because as we grow we intrude more and more on different parts of the world. You can go just about anywhere in the world and get a good ol Coke, I’m not sure you could get a Rivella anywhere besides Switzerland though. (or if many of you even know what Rivella is)
Our size and our imprint on different areas of the globe precludes us from having an Army that is only called upon in crisis for a few reasons. American influence literally stretches across the world so we have more territory to watch then ever, with this comes the increased chance of having to respond to a crisis somewhere in that large area. We need dedicated people on hand at this stage in our history because the threats are numerous and not from any one place. While, as mentioned earlier, we may also share geographic features that make invasion of our actual home territory tough, ours, the Oceans, mean we inherently need a larger more active force.
I think the Swiss system is excellent and fits for them perfectly, but right now as the world turns I think ours suits us better even if it is flawed.
I hate to double post but also wanted to say I think a four to six year period of mandatory national service would do wonders for the USA, too few people carry the actual burden from soldiers to social workers.
1. My understanding of the Swiss system (read my link at (18)) is that their military consists of about 10% full-time professionals who facilitate training , keep the “machinery” (both the mechanical and admin kinds) oiled and ready, etc.; and 90% every able-bodied male citizen. There are no exceptions to serving in the national defense — if you are a conscientious objector, you still serve in the medical corps.
The militia keep all their gear at home (incl. firearms and ammo), and they receive constant training throughout the year.
I don’t know about 1812, but nowadays, call-up in a national crisis would take no time at all.
2. The invasion of Iraq was only “the national will” because BushCo/the neo-cons — with the complicity of the national press — falsely painted Hussien’s Iraq as an imminent threat to America, the Middle East and the rest of the world.
It’s not like Bush was focused on al-Qaeda and Afghanistan, but the electorate insisted that the military bring about regime change in Iraq.
Saddam was in Bush’s sites literally within days of his inauguration. He/his neo-con coterie simply used 9/11 to whip up the “national will” for regime change in Iraq.
3. “That always came from above.” Assuming for this discussion that that’s completely true, that would be just one reason why I didn’t want my sons put in that position. I’ve taught them to always obey God and their conscience, re. of who tells them to do what. But I advised them that it’s better no to put yourself in that kind of potentially compromising situation in the first place.
In principle, I do think all young men should train and prepare to defend their country.
Unfortunately, it seems that if they enlist, they stand a very good chance of being used as tools of interventionists instead.
And hey, they “gotta obey orders,” right?
#8 Unless your kids were homeschooled under the right program, there’s a good chance they’re not even qualified for military service. Thanks for saving military recruiters some time. 😉
It’s weird. it’s almost like Iraq never existed before 2001. They’d never been belligerent to their neighbors, they’d never used poison gas, never fired on US planes, never tried to kill a former US President, never paid rewards to the families of suicide bombers, never harbored known terrorists. Just minded their own business, kind of a Mideast Switzerland.
“Homeschooled under the right program”? Didn’t keep the recruiters from trying to get my sons’ attention.
Cite, please?
(Can you actually find your own tukhis with both hands and a flashlight?)
Well unless the home school program was state regulated and monitored, per the MPPM (that’s Military Personnel Procurement Manual, MCO P1100.73B), a student that has been home schooled is considered a Tier II, or alternate credential holder, and therefore not eligible for enlistment. Now they can become eligible with a little more work, with at least 15 college credits and a 50 or higher on the ASVAB. It’s pretty common for parents to be outraged to discover their kids arent even qualified, especially when they try so hard to keep those evil soul stealing recruiters at bay. I believe this stems form the old belief that “anyone can join”. It just isn’t so. Truth is recruitng is all about volume, and whether or not your kids become “just another number”, like a tick mark in a call log or ac contact list, is entierly up to them. It’s the kids that say “i’m not interested” that become just another number, not the ones that decide to enlist. As far as your last comment, it doesn’t surprise me that just because you need both hands and a flashlight to find your own ass, and probably a magnifying glass for those parts unmentionable, you think everyone else needs the same. Very telling of your character, or complete lack thereof.
What’s really weird is
a) we had the receipts for their WMD — we green-lighted Iraq obtaining them under Reagan, when “the U.S. and Iraq shared many common interests” (like hatred of Iran, who Saddam was using the MWD against — see next point);
b) we didn’t give a flying fig about the Kurds until after 9/11; and
c) we learned there were no more WMD in Iraq in the aftermath of the 1995 defection of Hussein Kamel — one of Saddam’s sons-in-law and head of Iraq’s unconventional weapons programs.
And what else is really weird is, even after our meddling and intervention in the Middle East blows up in our faces, we wanna do it some more.
Redacted (27),
Ironic, given that the military has had to lower its academic, physical and criminal history standards since 9/11 to meet its recruiting goals.
Oh well, it certainly don’t hurt my feelings none that my kids “don’t qualify” to run with this crowd.
I also find it less than ironic that the professional, all-volunteer military — the foreign policy enforcement arm of the US government — demands entre to government schools, and insists that home-schooled recruits come from government-regulated/monitored programs.
Uhh, no thanks.
Makes me all the more glad that I refused the government’s “edumacashun” for my kids.
Great googly-moogly….why is it, with all of the cogent arguments to not invade Iraq, we are always treated to the fallacious “we had the receipts for their WMD”?
Your brief response doesn’t surprise me. As far as the Army “lowering standards”, what the hell does that have to do with me? I’m not in the Army. (You really should read the links you provide, makes youl look like les of an idiot.) Did you even bother looking up the MCO? Or read any volume of the MPPM (1,2, or 3)? Why not try MCO 1100.72C? Standards themselves never get lowered, that’s why we have a WAIVER PROCESS. And as with all prerequisites, some things just can’t be waived. Are you really so hopelessly ignorant to suggest everyone on active duty in the military is either in a gang, an excon or is overweight? I had no idea old people could be so fucking stupid.
Funny how every time the term NeoCon gets uttered it comes from the mouth of a hard left socialist or a paulbot. Not that there is any real differnce.
You know I’ll be honest I have no fraking idea what a Neo-Con is. I know its a scary label I’m supposed to tremble at (so sayeth the Lords of Truth as NBC). What I do know is that there were plenty of reasons to go, Some of the things I saw, well Evil is the only word I can find. Plenty of reasons to stay (believe it or not we were improving things. The power grid alone was an ungodly mess that I could write a whole essay describing)
Redacted has a pretty good point. Home school is great if you want to keep the birds close to the nest, but in the end it fails to impress on standards, and often has a narrow view. Having gone to public and Private school, I know for a fact Private is better. And strangely they do it for less per student (yes the parent is directly paying for it but if you figure the money a school gets per student, yeah) and the students can actually read on, or above their grade level.
As for a Swiss based military system, the Left in this country would have an absolute HEART ATTACK if you armed the entire populace.
(pleas pause and consider the hilarity of that event)
Also I have to throw out that actually getting into the Army is a long and laborious process. I was a perfect candidate and it took me SIX MONTHS that’s with my recruiter doing PT with me, and all that.
God forbid I ever needed a waiver. I’d have been screwed. Actually trying to join the WVARNG right now has convinced me how lucky I was.
I don’t think Matthis realizes how utterly pathetic it is to “resist” a recruiter. The recruiters practically have to beg, and pray that their prospect isn’t a complete fuckup. You should read some of the things my buddies that ended up in recruiting say. Really this whole “not your soldiers” is trying to reach out to that 1/1,000 whose not only eligible but would actually want to join up. If even one of those *increasingly* rare individuals does in fact turn it down, it will be a national tragety. Why? Because there will come a day where the DoD as we know it will break, and we are up to see rape and pillage. Front row seats I should imagine.
Eagle Keeper; why is the old, tired, false meme against Bush always used? My very left of center mother-in-law believes the same thing about Iraq as you state, but she heard it from the usual leftist orgs. Do you even know what a “neo-con” is, or is it the usual attempt to take a play from the left and use the label in a demeaning tone? I’m sure Bush sat up nights thinking of ways to become President in order to go after Saddam, at least Alex Jones probably thinks that (yeah, he’s a big Ronulan, too), but I was hoping you were smarter than that. It’s time to give that fantasy a rest. I was conservative before being conservative was cool. I remember the end of Johnson’s debacle as President. I remember the entire Nixon years and my own personal feelings on that differ from most people’s ideas on him. I really remember Ford (and Reagan’s speech at the RNC) and the Carter years. I served in the Army under Reagan and so forth. Would you consider me a “neo-con”?
Someone forgot to tell EK the Paulbot that the anthrax samples Iraq got in the mid-80’s (right after we re-established diplomatic relations with them after not having them from 1972-84) were not, nor could they be, weaponized.
And someone forgot to tell our little boy that of all the military assistance Iraq received between 1970-2000, the US accounted for less than 1/2 of 1 percent of that, most of that being UNARMED helicopters. The bulk of the arms? Soviets/Russian, France, and China. Surprise, surprise, surprise.
Didn’t care about the Kurds until after 9/11? The US flew over 200,000 sorties over the Iraq No-Fly-Zones between 1991-1999 for the express purpose of protecting the Kurds. You may not realize it but the years 1991-1999 all occurred before Sept.11th 2001.
and no WMD in Iraq post 1995? Someone forgot to tell these folks…
“If Saddam rejects peace and we have to use force, our purpose is clear.
We want to seriously diminish the threat posed by Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction program.”
President Clinton, Feb. 17, 1998
“Iraq is a long way from USA but, what happens there matters a great deal here. For the risks that the leaders of a rogue state will use nuclear, chemical or biological weapons against us or our allies is the greatest security threat we face.”
Madeline Albright, Secretary Of State, Feb. 18, 1998
“He (Saddam) will use those weapons of mass destruction again, as he has ten times since 1983.”
Sandy Berger, Clinton National Security Adviser, Feb. 18, 1998
“Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology which is a threat to countries in the region and he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process.”
Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D, CA), Dec. 16, 1998
Look at those filthy lying neocons.
Had you deployed you might’ve noticed all that shit we destroyed during DS/OIF was distinctly Russian. T-72’s BMP’s Diskas, Kaleshnakovs, Dragonovs, RPG-7, 9 and 29 (Vampire, a nasty little piece of work that was a two stage warhead and perfect for killing Strykers and even Abrams)
Where do you think those gas shells came from? All the mortar rounds they used to lob chemical weapons? Here’s a hint: we got rid of all our delivery systems (even though we still have the actual chemicals) in ’72
now EK please tell me, how you think Bush might’ve manufactured the evidence, that literally had most of the folks on the Senate (and house) intelligence committee, close to shitting their pants. But it also happened in the UK.
Oh dear sweet lord…..has anyone seen that Matthis now has a fan page on Facebook?
And, according to this page, he “recently started contributing regularly to the Huffington Post”
He is getting better at make speech.
Just because he is “getting better” doesn’t mean he knows what he is talking about. I am so sick of his fake PTSD act. It is so direspectful to the servicemembers who truly do have and do suffer from PTSD.
Ok…again from the lefty….this freak doesn’t speak for all of us! I would pay good money if this ass rocket would shut up! He’s only fueling ignorant partisan bs!!
Jax, I thought you liked Matthis