Bizzaro World – Reprised

| December 4, 2011

This getting boring… or something?

Obama Fundraiser and Ambassador Blames Israel for Anti-Semitism

“A distinction should be made between traditional anti-Semitism, which should be condemned and Muslim hatred for Jews, which stems from the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinians,” Gutman reportedly said, according to the Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth. “He also argued that an Israeli-Palestinian peace treaty will significantly diminish Muslim anti-Semitism.”

According to the account in the Israeli paper, “The legal experts at the event were visibly stunned by Gutman’s words, and the next speaker offered a scathing rebuttal to the envoy’s remarks.”

What The F**K  is traditional anti-Semitism? In the real world a fool and position would be soon parted.


Category: Geezer Alert!

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Jonn Lilyea

Um, aren’t Palestinians Semites, too?


That’s what I thought, it refers to anyone of middle eastern origin, right?

2-17 AirCav

Well, I was clueless so I looked it up in the Catholic Encyclopedia (CE). Semite is a catch-all term that refers to certain peoples who share related languages. Says CE, “The expression is derived from the Biblical table of nations (Genesis 10), in which most of these peoples are recorded as descendants of Noah’s son Sem. The term Semite was proposed at first for the languages related to the Hebrew by Ludwig Schlözer, in Eichhorn’s “Repertorium”, vol. VIII (Leipzig, 1781), p. 161.”

So, technically, anti-Semites would be opposed to a whole helluva lot more people than Jews or Israelis. Perhaps that’s why so many Semites keep blowing themselves up: They are anti-semitic Semites. Hey, we may be on to something here!


Well, in lah-lah land, words mean whatever the libs/progs/socialists/whatever they call themselves this week want them to mean and we are stupid because we foolishly cling to the King’s English. We ignent folks who see standard meanings of words as a useful tool in communication simply cannot understand things like nuance, or mind reading, whichever is in vogue at the moment.

So just ‘fess up here – we who know history, for instance, are simply proving our own deficiancies. Knowledge is NOT power in the new world. “They” ascribe to the resistence is futile mentality, so don’t confuse them with facts like what the words they use actually mean. They don’t want to know.

Jonn Lilyea

Wiki says; Judaism, Christianity and Islam are often described as “Semitic religions” so who’s zoomin’ who?


Yeah, letting the Pallys have their own state right next door will suddenly cause them to abandon their dream of killing every Jew and taking over Israel. They’ll loose the unicorns and Skittles will flow out of the asses of said unicorns.
From top to bottom, this administration is a bunch of amateurs and ignoramuses. Except for the ones who are anti-Semites.


Wouldn’t they be semi-anti-Semites, since they seem to LOVE some Semites?

Doc Bailey

well anti-Semitic has such a ring to it. It sounds better than “jew haters”. Its like Ethnic Cleansing. It’s not Genocide, they’re just scrubbing the bad races till everyone is clean!

Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t the Ba’ath Party modeled on the National Socialist Party? Also, didn’t Hitler (the most famous Antisemitic dude out there) pretty much say the exact same thing as Hamas (with less “Allah wills” and other such stuff thrown in)? So how exactly is it different when you want to wipe out an entire race exactly?

AW1 Tim


You are correct, but the truth is even worse: The Muslim Brotherhood was the fore-runner of the Baath Party, and used it as a means of political legitimacy.

The Muslim Brotherhood holds nearly exact beliefs as those of National Socialism, except adding religion into the mix via Islam. Rather than an “Aryan People” they have “Islam”.

Some good reading here:

And here:

By the way, when the Grand Mufti died, his nephew took his place. That man was known as Yasser Arafat.


@7: I believe you could say that some might be semi-anti-Semites.


I enjoy reading of the antics of anti-Semites and the semantics of anti-Semitism.

Andy Kravetz

Traditional Anti-Semitism is what was typically used to describe the European flavor of the hatred of Jews which stems from the ill conceived notion that Jews caused such evils as the Black Plaque. It was based upon the notion that Jews were hated by God and therefore, you were allowed to kill and maim them as it was okay by the big man upstairs.

Modern anti-semitism is more race-based (see white power and the crabs). One of the commentators above is right — Palestinians and Jews are both Semites. In fact, the word Palestine came from the Romans after the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD. They hated the Jews so much that they figured the best way to wipe them out was to take away their country so they renamed the country of Judah Palestine.

Ironically, the Jews and the Arabs got along better than the Europeans and the Jews until the British colonized the Middle East and pitted the two sides against one another, starting a chain of events that has led us, in part, to where we are today.

Waaaaaaaaaaaay too simple of an explanation and I am sure I glossed over much of the history. But in 300 words or less.