Occupier screwed out of new shoes
Claymore sends a link from Atlanta’s Creative Loafing describing an incident in which a 34-year-old woman reported to an officer on a street corner that she’d been raped in Woodruff Park, where the local Occupy protest is being held.
As the interrogative continued, the woman eventually admitted that she had been soliciting to a fellow who promised to exchange a pair of spanking new WalMart shoes for a little trim. After helping himself to the goods, such as they were, he refused to buy the shoes and left the enterprising hippie several miles from the park.
I guess that’s why the ladies of the evening always get their remuneration up front. She must’ve missed that lesson in her general disregard of capitalism and economics.
But that’s just another of those anomalies which happen to the Occupy folks. It doesn’t mean they’re all bad people. But I haven’t heard any stories of the Tea Partiers trading their chastity for shoes to put on their stinkin’ feet.
Category: I hate hippies, Occupy
Something for nothing: the Occupy movement in a nutshell
Isn’t that solicitation of prostitution without payment?
Isn’t that the definition of socialism? Getting screwed without getting paid?
She got a better lesson in poli-sci then she’ll ever receive in a college classroom. That is, if she has the intelligence to learn it.
Here’s the thing, I’ve seen some of the chicks patrolling Woodruff Park and they aren’t the most attractive bunch, much less worthy of risking an STD. Many of these girls are students at Georgia State University…I’m sure their parents would be proud.
Thanks for reminding me why I rarely left the GT campus. Well, that and the fact I was a 19-year old kid with no car and a 20-hour classload.
Like the old joke punchline “We’ve established what you are, we’re just haggling over price”. I’m guessing footware was far too steep a price.