More veteran health care ire

| November 24, 2011

While I’m on the subject, on top of my increased health care costs that I’m incurring, I also have to subscribe to Lifelock to protect my personal information because the government are such incompetent boobs that they can’t transport my information from point A to point B with out losing it. (Washington Post link)

Letters are being sent this month and next to the homes of all 4.9 million Tricare military beneficiaries whose personal data has been stolen in one of the largest health-data breaches ever reported.

According to Tricare, they lost all of our addresses and Social Security numbers back on September 12th when a bumbling idiot contractor had it stolen from his car when transporting the tapes to a back up facility. I suppose, instead of going directly to the facility, he stopped off for a half-dozen Boston Creme donuts and got himself robbed.

Tricare also says they reported the theft on their website, and you know we all check the Tricare website almost daily…that’s why they have to send us letters three months later.

So that’s another $100/year I’ve spent over the last eight years since the first time the government lost my shit to thieves. Ya know every other entity on the planet transmits that stuff securely, but government contractors have to ferry that stuff around in their POVs. Every time that stuff is stolen, it seems like it was taken from an unattended car. Except that time someone stole a contractor’s laptop at his home. Silly ne, I lock my computers up in a 600-pound gun safe.

And it’s always veterans and retirees who get their stuff stolen.

Is this what we have to look forward to when the government manages all of our health care records?

Category: Veteran Health Care

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We got one of those letters because my wife and son were in San Antonio Texas during my deployment.


“Is this what we have to look forward to when the government manages all of our health care records”? In a word, yes. But, they will warn you, sometime after the fact.


Remember when Obzozo said the American public doesn’t care about the size of government just the efficiency of it, well…… You get what you pay for and Yes Virginia elections and their consequences do matter.


Never was a SAIC fan, and thought the letter was a piece of crap. “Don’t worry, the thieves would need hardware to get the data” (paraphrased). I can’t trust the morons to safeguard the information, definitely don’t trust their reassuring letter.


I copied my shit when ETS’ing, and I am considered “rich” by Army standards as a veteran, so I qualify for nothing, yet. It may come, you never know. Doesn’t mean I haven’t warned my friends about the same thing…Lifelock is a good thing, fo sher.

Andy FMF

I haven’t seen this point brought up before, but you guys are pretty intelligent, so maybe it was.

Military members pay into medicare, even though they are using Tricare. If the government wants to up my Tricare fees, then we should stop paying into Medicare.


Your government at work. Ya! I no longer owe ANY allegiance to this un-Constitutional, lying, hypocritical, ungrateful and competent government and nation. In fact, just the opposite—they are now my enemy.


@6 – “Military members pay into medicare, even though they are using Tricare. If the government wants to up my Tricare fees, then we should stop paying into Medicare.”

One of the best points I’ve seen in a long time.

Patrick Dennis

Stolen? I highly doubt it. More like SOLD. How much do you think 4.9 million SS#’s and personal health info would be worth to all the civilian insurance companies?? Let see.. John Smith has PTSD and takes 6 different meds. Was addicted to morphine due to an IED injury. Now they can assess risk factors when processing ins. policies and charge accordingly … Yep. I bet someone paid a bunch of money for those documents…