Why Gonzalez?

| April 1, 2007

I was watching Fox News Sunday and Joe “are my hair plugs straight?” Biden while Chris Wallace asked him if his call for investigations into the firing of federal prosecutors are somewhat diluted by his refusal to investigate the firings of 93 investigators by the Clinton Administration as requested by then-Minority Leader Bob Dole. The first thing I remembered was last week’s rant by newly-admitted “Truther” Rosie O’Donnell when she announced that “just about every high level member of the Bush administration is under indictment from Rove to Gonzalez”.

Well, we know that’s not true – not that it matters to Rosie or her View-ers.

The only staff member who’s been indicted is Scooter Libby. There’s not even an investigation of any member of the Administration, except by the partisan committees in the House and Senate who are looking real hard to find something, anything they can find to fuel the idiots and morons of the O’Donnell fan club.

You’ve got the Washington Post reporters Amy Goldstein and Dan Eggan with the “shocking” news today that this President has been giving prosecutor jobs to people he’s worked with and whom he knows shares his views;

The people chosen as chief federal prosecutors on a temporary or permanent basis since early 2005 include 10 senior aides to Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales, according to an analysis of government records. Several came from the White House or other government agencies. Some lacked experience as prosecutors or had no connection to the districts in which they were sent to work, the records and biographical information show.

The new U.S. attorneys filled vacancies created through natural turnover in addition to the firings of eight prosecutors last year that have prompted a political uproar and congressional investigations.

Apparently that’s considered news at the Washington Post – the fact that Presidents hire people they know and trust. I guess they’d be happier if he just rounded up the hobos in Lafayette Park to fill the vacated lawyer positions. Or even happier if they hired the various and sundry lawyers who hold political views diametrically opposed to the Administration.

Then they go on to announce that is clearly a violation of no law, except the Law of No One Has Done This Before;

No other administration in contemporary times has had such a clear pattern of filling chief prosecutors’ jobs with its own staff members, said experts on U.S. attorney’s offices. Those experts said the emphasis in appointments traditionally has been on local roots and deference to home-state senators, whose support has been crucial to win confirmation of the nominees.

Of course they don’t name “experts” or bother to compare the hirings of other “administrations in contemporary times”. Eggan’s weakass explanations on this issue in emails to me hardly bare repeating with bandwidth for which I pay. His defense to me on nearly every issue related to this case includes the word “unprecedented”. So because there’s no precedent, it must be wrong. Wanna discuss the Travel Office firings? That was unprecedented, too. Apparently these investigations are unprecedented, too, if there was no investigation by Biden’s committee when Dole asked for them.

The President shares partial blame for the Democrats’ targeting his staff by asking for Rumsfeld’s resignation  for no good reason. But the Left thinks they can cause disarray at the Bush White House by investigating every burp from his cabinet and declaring it was, instead, a fart. The Rumsfeld incident only made Democrats think he was being weak and now they’ve gone for the juglar on every issue that comes up in the Administration. Much like the terrorists are emboldened by the Congress’ weakness in dealing with them.

The Left can’t find any real corruption, so with their willing accomplices in the press, they manufacture some corruption.

I think it’d be more appropriate for the Bush Administration to start it’s own investigations of Sandy Berger, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, William Jefferson, John “Unindicted co-conspirator” Murtha apparently REALLY corrupt politicians, instead of people who hire qualified and connected prosecutors. That would be a domestic corollary to the Bush Doctrine of Pre-emption. 

So in the meantime, the Defense Budget sits languishing and gathering dust somewhere on Capitol Hill while Congress takes off for their Spring Break and the Rosie O’Donnells and Dan Eggans do the Democrats’ heavylifting with repetitious, tedious and pedestrian blather.

Category: John Murtha, Media, Politics

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