Anchors Away, or Aweigh! Go Navy!
I opted for Away vs Aweigh for a reason, but I didn’t mean to confuse the Army guys.
For the next 72 hours or so TAH will have a different flavor… IF my fellow swabbies and swabettes (sexist, but cute) help out.
Jonn is getting a high colonic or something and it’ll take him a while to recover. As I understand it he’s so full of shit that it’s effecting his vision. I’m no medical expert so YMMV.
TSO is getting a suntan with his wonderful wife (who deserves better).
Those of you with forum access can use that for stories, otherwise my email address is on the contact page.
I’ m looking for stories that highlight the superior nature of Naval Warfare.
I will entertain USMC stories as well. Let’s face it. Do we really NEED an army to take care of business?
Well, I have some good friends who are Air Force types, but…
Category: Administrative, Geezer Alert!, Navy
Lord, leaving you with the keys to the house points to bigger issues then failing vision. I now have to wonder if he is also suffering early onset of dementia.
The Navy was created to get the Marines to the fight. The Marines were created so that the Army wouldn’t get their feet wet coming ashore and the Air Force. Well nobody is quite sure why the Air Force was created.
So Zero, you’re offering all DADT all the time? No wonder they call it the Goat Locker.
Grunt, the Air Force was invented to keep the clubs and golf courses open…..and to get Army Paratroopers to the fight.
>Well nobody is quite sure why the Air Force was created.
LOL–Air Force was originally Army then the decided that the housing was substandard- The split was definitely over decor 😉
The Air Force split from the Army because they couldn’t handle no drinking until 5pm-they thought 5am was a more civilized time to start imbibing.
And the only reason we keep the Navy around is for the economic impact of all those sailors spending their pay like drunken sailors do.
JaG #1: I now have to wonder if he is also suffering early onset of dementia.
Is that a question? I, however, have embraced dementia in the form of The Silly. Jonn hasn’t quite worked that bit out yet. Maybe his renewed vision will fix that?
Shouldn’t that be “Anchors Aweigh”?
Of course, I’m just a former Army REMF, so what do I know?
malclave # 7: Well damn. Me fix, with thanks. Army guys get it right at times.
Negative Ghost Rider the pattern is full.
Groundpounders forever!
Hey Zero, in the ARMY we can dig a hole in the dirt to get away from incoming fire…. in the Navy, you can’t really dig a hole to get away from enemy gunnery or Exocet Anti-Ship Missiles……… Plus, in the War of Northern Aggression, the only documented cases of homosexuality occurred in the US Navy (there were two of them) JUST SAYIN’ 😉
December 10th…. We’ll if the swabbies can beat us doughboys.
Sounds to me like you want to start a little Army Vs Navy game right here, Zero. If any Army guys don’t feel like you’re getting the heave ho, you’re not paying attention. By the way, I would have joined the Navy myself but for two things: I prefer air and land to sea and I’m not gay.
lucky #10: Your comment speaks volumes. You might be the type who hijacked the word gay to mean homosexual.
Methinks he doth protest TOO much?
Aside: Was in the Navy for 6 years. Never had a homosexual advance to deal with. I think I was kinda cute too.
OK. Sitting back, getting comfortable and preparing to learn everything I never wanted to know about the NAVY!
Well?? Bring it on all you high seas, trailing winds, or whatever it is guys!
Oh yeah. Take this Mr White Pants:
Why doesn’t Navy have ice on the sidelines during games?
A: The guy with the recipe graduated.
Q. What do you get when you drive slowly by the USNA campus?
A. A degree.
Q: What do a Navy Midshipman and a West Point Cadet have in common?
A: They both got accepted to the Naval Academy.
Ready on the left. Ready on the right. Commence firing!
Q: What’s the difference between a sailor and a catfish?
A: One’s a slimy, smelly, scumsucking bottom feeder, and the other is just a fish.
Q: What are the best four years of a sailor’s life?
A: Third grade
So we should start reminiscing our old sea stories? I can tell you the best way to restrain unruly nubs is with HP tape. Just don’t leave them out where the XO can find them. Which is why we taped them to the bottom of the tables.
I’m okay at 10:1. Beyond that I may need some back up.
Of course that was in the good old days when hazing was considered good fun or a life lesson.
“And what are the traditions of the Royal Navy? Rum, buggery, and the lash. Good day, gentlemen.” — Winston Churchill, First Lord of the Admiralty
We have a Navy?
Surely you jest.
#19. LOL, that brings back memories. Hazing, schmazing, nubs still got flopped and taped when I was in. Good times.
I love sea stories. Can’t wait to hear ’em. Jonah and the whale is a good one. And who can forget the one about the little mermaid.
My grandfather volunteered in 1917 for WWI and was discharged in 1919. When I was talking to recruiters in 75 he told me to join either the Navy or the Air Corp, he was 83,and to stay way from the Army and Marines. When I ask why he said “the Navy and Air Corp would sleep you inside and feed you hot chow the Army and Marines would feed you cold slop and sleep you in the mud.” He passed in 1988 at 96 yrs of age, its now 2011 and things haven’t changed a bit in almost a century.
What, you thought the Navy was just something the Village People made up in the 70s?
@4. That’s not true, hoosier. The Army has had fire and tents for a long time and, unless it’s raining, soldiers don’t sleep in the mud. But I don’t know if either of those things is true for the Marine Corps.
Even the Village People knew enough about the Navy to make one of their group a sailor! I’m telling you, it’s those white pants.
Do they still wear bell bottoms?
A crusty old Chief found himself at a gala event downtown, hosted by a local (strictly women’s) liberal arts college. There was no shortage of extremely young, idealistic ladies in attendance, one of whom approached the Chief for conversation. She said, “Excuse me, sir, but you seem to be a very serious man. Are you this way all the time, or is something bothering you?”
“No,” the Chief said, “just serious by nature.”
The young lady looked at his awards and decorations and said, “It looks like you have seen a lot of action.”
The Chief’s short reply was, “Yep, a lot of action.”
The young lady, tiring of trying to start up a conversation, said, “You know, you should lighten up a little – relax and enjoy yourself.”
The Chief just stared at her in his serious manner.
Finally the young lady said, “You know, I hope you don’t take this the wrong way, but when is the last time you had sex?”
The chief continued to stare at her and replied, “1955.”
She said, “Well, there you go; you really need to chill out and quit taking everything so seriously – I mean, no sex since 1955, isn’t that a little extreme?”
The Chief, glancing at his watch, said in his matter-of-fact voice, “Oh, I don’t know. It’s only 2130 now!”
So this cabbie is hailed by a nun. She gets in the back seat, and as they are driving, the cabbie keeps looking at her. Finally, the good sisters asks “Is there something wrong, sir?”
The cabbie blushes and said, “NO.. No.” The sister persists and finally the cabbie says “I want to ask you something, but it’s kind of embarrassing”. The good sister says “Go ahead young man, there isn’t much I haven’t seen that would embarrass me.”
So the cabbie says “Well, I’ve had this fantasy about kissing a nun.” The nun replies, “Well, that isn’t embarrassing to me. But the man who kisses me would have to be handsome and single. The cabbie says “Well, I’m single, and I consider myself handsome.”
“Then I will kiss you” replies the nun. The cabbie pulls over, gets into the back seat, and the two kiss long and passionately for a few minutes. The cabbie gets back into the front seat, and they drive off.
A few minutes later, the guy says “I have to confess something to you. I lied. I’m not really single. I’m married, and I’m also a Marine moonlighting for some extra cash.”
“That’s alright…” replies the good sister. “I’m not really a nun. My name is Harry, and I’m a Master Chief on my way to a costume party.”
#31 AW1 Tim
Gack! ROFLMBO just doesn’t seem to cover it! 🙂
@ 2-17, the Village people also had a Soldier in their group from time to time….
This 10 year old kid walks into a Mens room at the airport and sees two guys, one a Marine and the other a Sailor, standing at the urinals.
The kid walks up to the Marine and says “Golly mister! are you a Marine??” The Marine looks down and says “Sure am sonny, want to try on my hat?” to which the kid replies “Sure!!!”
The kid tries on the hat and, after admiring himself in the mirror, walks up to the Sailor, who’s still using the facilities, and says “Gee mister… are you a Sailor?”
The Sailor looks down and says “Jesus kid, what the hell are you? You some kind of pervert who enjoys talking to men taking a piss?”
Wide eyed, the kid shakes his head and says “Oh NO mister!!! I’m not a Marine, I’m just wearing his hat!”
There’s a reason the flap of my dress blues had “Marine Bib” stiched on the inside.
There’s a very good reason they don’t let grunts/airedales/zoomies run nuclear reactors.