Ringo at Occupy LA

| November 4, 2011

Our buddy, Ringo sends us a link to his latest report from the Occupy LA scene. Make sure you check out the video of the drama queens. Apparently living in tents is starting yo wear on the hippies’ gentle sensibilities. Me? I like hula hoops;

…and canabals;

Category: I hate hippies

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Awesome…absolutely priceless. These people are the perfect advertisement for what we would get with their wonderful ideologies. Communism/Socialism/Anarchy…none of them “winning” the situation. None of them showing any supremacy in ideology. Communists/Socialists wanting to control speech…anarchists getting pissed cause no one should be in charge…clueless hippies thinking their should be some type of leadership. Everyone smoking weed and munching on the free tofu and pasta marinara…volunteers in the kitchen getting pissed at the free-loaders.

This is really highlighting how Capitalism is the bomb! Reinforces that we actually do have it right. All these brainiacs cant figure how to govern a population of a few hundred. Keep on keeping that on display!

Old Trooper

I love it when a plan comes together.


Regarding the topmost pic.

The cannibal’s ankles and calves are masculine but the torso seems to be that of a female.

There’s a guy in a blue shirt and white pants and a woman in a blue skirt and white blouse that seem to be joined in a peculiar way. If that’s not perfect for a “Write the Caption” contest, nothing is.


These people are seriously fucking whacked out. Yet there are some polls running around saying nearly 40 percent approve of the whole OWS crap.

Something tells me if these same folks spend a couple of hours hanging around one of these “camps” and talking (or trying to talk) to some of these folks, that approval number would be somewhere just above the asterisk level.


Sparky: Those aren’t really polls. They are poles, as in telephone poles–or Poles, as in opinions gathered in Poland.


“Chemtrails”? Seriously? There is a deep level of tin-foil-hat-bat-s$#t-crazy there.


Declaration of Peace and Freedom? Seriously? I think I will stick with the US Constitution, created by actual men that knew what they were doing, and did it well, plus they were mostly Freemasons, and you KNOW (at least according to Occupy LA) that WE control the world…. Fucktards!


Fawking losers.

Such “activism.”

Standing around smoking weed, twirling hula hoops, doing yoga classes, and sitting on your ass making ridiculous signs.

Typical activism garbage. What is most important to them is thinking they are doing something to change the world, but in reality they are just camping out and wasting tax payers money.


The people in the background are funny too…

Doc Bailey

Good work Ringo. I suspect the longer this goes on the more it will devolve. Which I think is good for us.

Doc Bailey

* maybe we will get converts to the church of reality.


The term Clusterfuck comes to mind.

Poohbah, Lord High Everything Else

“The term Clusterfuck comes to mind.”

Clusterfucks are usually more organized.


Thanks Jonn!

The good news is it’s raining in Los Angeles this morning. These nutters have had it too easy with the nice sunny weather. It’s time they learn to suffer like their comrades in New York and DC.

Adirondack Patriot

These Occupy protestors are failures. Period.

They fail under capitalism, but the truth is they would also fail under socialism, communism, or any other -ism that can be conjured up.

Because they are failures. And they have no one to blame but themselves.


Doc Bailey

Ringo, I want to ask, in comparrison with your previous visits, were there more resentment? Did you see as many 9/11 truthers, or end the feds, or was it mostly just the “legalize weed” and “capitalism hurts babies” crowd?

I did see someone point out “chem trails” and freak out much to the agitation of the yoga crowd. Also it would be interesting to do a before v after when this crap finally does break up.


Yoga is peaceful? Really? My team tried yoga as a “team building exercise” suggested by a female Soldier, and every time we tried it, seemd to be the evening the Talibs picked to hit the Governor’s compound in Herat… Therefore, to me at least, Yoga is not peaceful at all, shit explodes, RPG’s arc everywhere, and there is much weeping and gnashing of teeth. And chem trails, seriously? Dude, go back on your Schizophrenia meds! Thats vapor trails from aircraft at about 10,000 feet!


The above was me, my bad, forgot to fill in my info lol


Doc, The truthers seem to come mostly on the weekends when the crowd at OLA swells up to close to a thousand or more. That’s when all the day-trippers and protest-tourists show up. On the week days it’s the die-hards, which does include some “End the Fed” / Alex Jones types, as well as some truthers. But for the most part the folks who are there every day are hippies, anarchists, Aztlan re-conquistadors and real Commies and other assorted hard-Left radicals. These people truly want a revolution and an end to Capitalism…and they’re not going to go away without a fight. A day of reckoning will come eventually.


WTHFF is on that thing’s head??? It looks like an unwashed poodle.

Just Plain Jason

I just love the we hate the police untill we are about to get our ass kicked.

Veterans’ day is going to be interesting here in Kansas City. The 20-30 OKC people have taken up camp right next to Libert Memorial where Veterans’ Day activities usually go on… They better be gone or on very good behavior. There might be some very bad things happen to them…


Jason…you in KCMO? Me too…and yeah, I saw them camped out down by the Memorial when I was down there on the Columbus Day weekend.

Also saw a small group of them out on Main Street one evening with a bullhorn…haranguing traffic and passers-by with their BS.

El Marco

Hippie chix er hawt (sez the former grunt with calloused knuckles)


It’s interesting to me that TAH exclusively covers the fringe at these movements. Sort of like how the left went to tea party rallies and only covered the old people in hover-rounds with misspelled signs and demands that the government stay out of Medicare.


Interesting and quite coincidental that “Joe” and .03 showed up together previously, have both been absent from here for days, and voila! they both show up today within minutes of one another to make retardo points.


Just exactly how does one separate the “fringe” from the other fringe at Flea Bagger “Rallies”?
As for Medicare, I find it interesting that AARP, who were all in with Obamacare, even when it was pointed out to them that Medicare would take a $550 billion hit, is now astro-turfing ads to contact your rep and senator to protest the $550 billion cut to Medicare.


@21 Jason…I agree with you 99%+1%. It’s comical that these folks love to berate hard-working cops for curtailing their liberties, yet when one of their own goes batshit crazy and threatens them, or hurts their feelings by grabbing the microphone….they have the same response, “CALL THE COPS!” Their Utopian Dream has is about as realistic as Peyton Manning’s chance of winning another league MVP this season.

Doc Bailey

.03: How exactly does one cover the fringe of a fringe movement? Pretty much all of Ringo’s photos have made it clear 99% of the people at Occupy LA are pretty close to Batshit crazy. At least 1% have some idea that this is a farce and are trying to gin up as much anger as possible to “start a revolution”. No one has yet asked what the endgame is.

So again How does one only cover the fringe of the fringe?

Bubblehead Ray

“Fringerly” Doc. You do it fringerly

Bubblehead Ray

The “Fringe” of that group is the semi normal ones.

Old Trooper

@28: Yeah, Doc, I have asked a co-worker, who is all supportive of the occutards (he’s a pro-union,pro-commie type), and asked him what the goal is? He said “revolution”. I said “ok; then what?” He didn’t have an answer. I explained that revolution is a means to an end and that revolution for revolution’s sake isn’t a plan. He told me that “they’ll work that out afterwards”. I told him they can’t even put together a cognitive thought after 2 months; what makes him think they have a fricken clue what to do afterwards.

Watching the different occutard groups is a fascinating study in human interaction and sociology more worthy than anything you can get in college. In less than 2 months they have fractured into smaller groups and fight over who is holding the money, who can talk, who can’t, how is it decided who gets some of the money, etc. The ones that do have a plan are already formed organizations of the marxist bent, because they want control over every aspect of the message, the money, and who gets to speak.