Official Puppeteer of Occupy Wall Street

| November 4, 2011

What a gig?

Don Surber  offers a teachable moment.

A few years ago, Joe Therrien, a graduate of the NYC Teaching Fellows program, was working as a full-time drama teacher at a public elementary school in New York City. Frustrated by huge class sizes, sparse resources and a disorganized bureaucracy, he set off to the University of Connecticut to get an MFA in his passion — puppetry.

Take the time to read Don’s post. It only takes 4 or 5 WTFs to get through.

I’m an ignorant old hillbilly; I didn’t even know one could get a MFA in puppetry? Or would want one, or mumble, mumble…


Category: Geezer Alert!, General Whackos, Occupy, Pointless blather

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“But the past decade of stagnant wages for the 99 percent and million-dollar bonuses for the 1 percent has awakened the kids of the middle class to a national nightmare: the dream that coaxed their parents to meet the demands of work, school, mortgage payments and tuition bills is shattered.”\

I wonder how many of the “1%” paid $35K for an MFA. My guess is none. I wonder how many paid far more than that for an MBA or an MS. My guess is most. You’re never even going to make it to the 40% if you can’t figure out that an MFA isn’t a resume enhancer.


You dare to criticize him?

SILENCE!!! I keel you!!!

Doc Bailey

From each according to his abilities to each according to his needs.

I have dick for ability, but I have LOTS of needs. Won’t you pay my bills?


Another winner mentioned in the linked NYT article – “…Arthur Polendo, a painter with a Ph.D. in fine arts and critical studies who works as a museum guard.” What’s the difference between an artist who can’t sell anything and an artist with a Ph.D. who can’t sell anything? A $10K/year student loan bill that won’t go away with bankruptcy. I wonder if he makes the other guards call him doctor.


I guess Thierrien is the Real Master of Puppets.

Will Metallica give up their rights and money, or sue the bejeebus out of him?


Hey it gets better! The Oregon university system just ok’d a new major of ‘folklore’. I am going to apply for that major just so I can embellish on the bravery and fidelity of the OWS movement. I figure I can make a buck or two down the road. I think my first story will be ‘Punkinhead, Joe and their road to FAIL!’.


Still not as good as the Star Trek courses you can take at Syracuse.

Old Trooper

My favorite is women getting degrees in “women’s studies” and then they bitch when they can’t find work. Why the hell would a woman need to get a degree in that?

Just Plain Jason

I just think I felt Jim Henson roll in his grave. I love puppetry, but I always thought it was called animatronics, and it was about building cool things. You know like Jabba the Hut, Hell Boy, the Alien, Fawkes the Pheonix, etc… This ass has went out and made it into a joke by going to school rather than build something cool…asshole.


OT: it’s the Barnum Rule.


OT: It’s also a self-fulfilling prophesy. Women’s studies focus on perceived “inequalities.” So when a woman gets a degree in inequality, and can’t find a job because her degree doesn’t prepare her to do anything, she feels that those inequalities she studied do exist — after all, she’s a living example, right?

It’s always nice to find out that you’re belief in the color of the grass is correct, even if you have to paint it yourself.

/sarc off


“…your belief…”, sorry.


Still not as good as the Star Trek courses you can take at Syracuse.

Good thing TSO’s on vacation or else he’d quit his job and enroll at Syracuse.

I wonder if they have Klingon Cultural Studies there?

Adirondack Patriot

Isn’t it clear? Senor Wences (Global Imperialist) and Charlie McCarthy (Global Capitalist) were part of the Bilderberg/Trilateral Commission conspiracy.

If puppets are silenced, who will speak for the humans?


“I wonder if he makes the other guards call him doctor.”

Paging, Doctor Polendo. Doctor Polendo. You’re need on the loading dock. Stat.”

Adirondack Patriot

BREAKING NEWS: Miss Piggy claims she was sexually assaulted at OWS in Zuccotti Square. The unnamed suspect was a bongo drum player and was reportedly capable of only uttering a single word: “Animal!”

A Green spokesman for OWS said the NYPD would not be called and the matter would be handled by an “in-house” investigation.


@ 13 – TSO can get involved with the Syracuse course without having to leave his currently occupied hotel room – I’m sure that Mrs. TSO will be thrilled.

Doc Bailey

@17 Holy shit Bobo REALLY???


The web involvement is free. On the positive side, it won’t cost a few thousand to take. On the negative, no credits toward your very own worthless private school degree.

Doc Bailey

you have to find irony in the fact that the Borg, a pure communist collective in every way (even the way they consume other cultures) are the mortal enemies of the Federation, another communist collective.

Poohbah, Lord High Everything Else

He quit a paying, and most likely tenured, gig in the worst economy since at least 1974 to get a Master’s Degree in . . .




#21 – Poohbah,he’s not the only idiot. My moron former tenant, who abandoned his lease with two days’ notice and caused nearly $1000 worth of damage to my house, and who claims to be a Marine Corps vet, walked out on a SIX-FIGURE income with a government contractor, because he got into an argument with someone at work. In this economy. He then expected to be hired back once he realized he made a mistake, because “they know my work, and I’ve been there for 6 years,” and was angry at his former employer for not taking him back!

I expect him to be out there with OWS protesting the injustice and shunning showers.


“SILENCE!!! I keel you!!!”. Sadly, Achmed probably has more common sense and a better work ethic than this holder of a Master’s in puppetry.
Therrien: “‘But sub pay is about 50 percent of a full-time salaried position,’ he says, ‘so I’m working for half as much as I did four years ago, before grad school, and I don’t have health insurance…. It’s the best-paying job I could find’.” Um, you have yourself to blame, Joe, no one else. Want some cheese with that whine?