Profound (As in REALLY Important) News!

| November 3, 2011

This pleases me somehow.
‘Birther’ champion Orly Taitz seeks GOP Senate nomination to challenge Feinstein

California dentist and lawyer Orly Taitz, best known as a leading proponent of conspiracy theories about President Barack Obama’s birth, is running as a Republican candidate for U.S. Senate.

In a lengthy interview with The Daily Caller, Taitz expressed optimism about capturing the Republican nomination and defeating incumbent California Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein in 2012.

I’m a sort of closet ‘birther’ myself, and the notion of getting rid of Feinstein is good. We need someone like Taitz in The Senate. It’s called comic relief.

The obvious question… Will she show us HER birth certificate?

Category: Geezer Alert!, Politics

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Were Oily Taint to win the primary (impossible, I know) this would be one of the times where I’d pull the lever for Feinstein.


Sparky: it’s California. Dude. Srsly.


“It’s called comic relief.”. Aren’t Stuart Smalley and Debbie Stabenow enough comic relief? Not to mention Sleazy Harry Reid?

Country Singer

For your TAH commenter weirdness of the day: my silly ass was approached in 2001 by Duncan Hunter’s staffer (the late) Wendell Cutting as a possible candidate to run against Susan Davis. I coulda been a contenduh!



I have pretty much the same sentiment.

Now, if Taitz ran against Boxer, I can’t see myself voting for Babs. I might have to look to the Peace & Freedom or the Green Party for a reasonable candidate. (Okay, not really… I just wouldn’t vote for Senator)


The guy is a dentist and a lawyer? There’s some serious material right there.


AirCav, Orly provides enough comic relief to stock several comedy shows. A dentist and a lawyer, indeed. And, if anyone wants to waste a couple minutes of their life, they can click on the link and read more of the babble that escapes her mouth.


Taitz is nuttier than a sack of nuts. I’d rather have my home state of California fall into the Pacific than vote for a kook like Orly Taitz.

Doc Bailey

as a citizne of SO Cal I would literallt do just about anything short of fallacio on insiped to get rid of Barbra Boxer Diane Fienstien, and Nancy Pelosy. I swear the three of them make everyone look at Cali and think everyone there is a brain-dead liberal retard. “Don’t call me ma’am call me senator” WHAT A LOAD OF HORSE CRAP.


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This guy doesn’t have a chance in hell to win in California. In fact, the Republican Party is dead in this state. It’s a lost cause, it’s effectively a “socialist satellite.” You’re more likely to find a dodo bird than a real conservative there unfortunately. This is no longer the state of Reagan…


Oh WOW, that really IS a woman. I gave “her” the benefit of the doubt…

Right Rev Mr. Wolf

#12, its a WOMAN.

And, to help the Boned in California movement, I’d move my voting registration there just to have a chance to PUT her in office. They deserve each other.

My dream ticket: she and San Fran Nan on the daius together duking it out over some initiative or other…


In California, the pronouns he/she and him/her are interchangeable when referring to any adult resident of that state.


So, Doc Bailey is offering to take insipid to the Junior Prom this year…


DaveO. Are you suggesting that the closet may be missing another occupant soon? Speaking of insipid, my new rule is when it’s here, I’m not; So if anyone would like to be rid of me, just used its tag. Of course, as proof of your ID, you’ll have to summarize yesterday’s Oprah show.


2-17AirCav: I suggest no such thing! I direct your attention to Doc’s commentary at #10 of this thread. Doc’ll have to make sure insipid’s old enough to date, though.


He was drunk and didn’t know what he was saying. When he reads his post, he’ll be saying “I wrote what?!!”

USMC Steve

ANYONE other than Fineswine would be an improvement overall. But nothing less than a leftist democrat stands any sort of a chance in that district. That is what most of the people in it are.


2-17AirCav: yep. Heh


I believe Orly has already ‘fessed up to having been born in Russia. Then again, in California, Arnold was eligible, so obviously you don’t have to be native-born to hold office there. Given the state’s legislative record, I have to ask if any California office requires U.S. citizenship?