Too much leisure time

| October 25, 2011

Samuel Gompers advocated the 40-hour work week because it would give workers the time they need to improve their lives by reading and studying. I guess we’ve lost sight of the benefits of a shorter work week;

Category: Pointless blather

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Here’s a story from a small newspaper (The Martinsburg Journal) about a man who knows how to use his time well. I was struck by three things in the article. One, he isn’t the story. There’s no ‘I did this in Nam, or I did that.’ Second, he has passed on his mission to his daughter. And three, he shames me. I need to do more.

Big Don

I can’t believe that song doesn’t induce seizures in some people.


I don’t see any issue with a hobby–no matter how seizure inducing. He’s probably a programmer/EE by trade and I’m guessing that just when I work on a project around the house–something went wrong. When he learned how to fix the mistake, he probably figured out a few work-arounds that can help him in his day job. Those neural pathways will be stronger than if he was perusing a text book or trade journal.


He’s probably a programmer/EE by trade. I’m guessing that just like when I work on a project around the house–something went wrong for him as well….

I can’t stand when I write something and 2 or 3 ideas don’t congeal right.

Doc Bailey

@2 I thought that’s what modern dancing is all about