Frickin’ ingrates

| October 23, 2011

Hamid Karzai, the guy we installed in his office as President of Afghanistan, after we freed the country from the iron grip of the Taliban, told Pakistan TV that he’d back Pakistan in a war between Pakistan and the US according to the link from Reuters sent to us by Tman;

“God forbid, If ever there is a war between Pakistan and America, Afghanistan will side with Pakistan,” he said in the interview to Geo television.

“If Pakistan is attacked and if the people of Pakistan needs Afghanistan’s help, Afghanistan will be there with you.”

So he learned well from the Obama Administration – attack your friends and placate the criminals who’ve caused all of your grief.

Category: Terror War

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Old Trooper

Fuck ’em. Pull all our troops out now and let Hamid deal with AQ and the taliban. I hope he dies well.


This is what we get for installing a petty warlord to some semblance of national power. This is also not the first time he’s made statements such as this…last time it was a threat to join common cause with the Taliban.


Fuck him and the goat he rode in on. He’s conveniently forgetting the SF unit that rescued and got his sorry ass to a safe place…and several outstanding Soldiers in the process.

Soldiers and men for whom that little turd is not fit to be in the same grid square with, sharing the O2 supply.

What a POS…


Karzai is interested in one person–KARZAI. Nobody else. We’ve known this since he pulled the old, “shittin and gettin” back when the Soviets invaded over 30 years ago. He only cares about his own self-preservation.

Lt. Rasczak

Actually this makes perfect sense. Karzi knows the story of Jonas Savambi, Lon Nol, Vang Pao, Duong Van Minh, Tran Van Houng, and Nguyen Van Thieu. He knows the history of the 1956 Suez incident. Even worse he just saw what happened to our long time friend and ally Mubarak just a couple of weeks ago. Mubarak didn’t even get the traditional consolation prize of a midnight flight to California and local liquor distribution franchise. No we left him behind to be jailed and put on trial for his life. Karzi knows that push come to shove, he’s getting the shove, right under the bus, especially from this administration. He knows Israel is our number one ally, but he’s seen two successive administrations fail to take the threat of Iranian nucleariztion seriously, and he’s seen us continue to put pressure on Israel to commit national suicide so that Obama and Hillary can have a “Peace in our time” photo op on the White House Lawn. He saw the New York Times expose our Black Sites in Eastern Europe, without the slightest regard to what that did to the Eastern Europeans who had risked everything to help us out. He’s seen us bow to the Russians and cancel our ABM construction plans in Eastern Europe, again without regard to what that did to our allies in the region. He’s seen us cut back our weapons sales to Taiwan, simply because the Chinese told us to. He’s seen us leave the Syrian and Iranian protesters to die in the street, in direct contradiction to our national interest. Obama isn’t Neville Chamberlain, but the difference is only that Obama is the less competent of the two. Even worse, look at the story above about our failure to negotiate a Status of Forces agreement in Iraq, and our subsequent forced withdrawal. Iran has just used political and diplomatic means to force us to give up what we gained in 8 years of expending blood and treasure. Iraq has gone from being a regional counterweight to Iran to being a future Iranian client state. If… Read more »


@5. Damn fine piece of writing.


What the Ell-Tee said.


“Obama isn’t Neville Chamberlain, but the difference is only that Obama is the less competent of the two.” Bingo.
And, what AirCav and OldSoldier said, well put, most especially the last sentence.


@5 – You’ve rendered a fine post, with some points that I agree with, but many others that seem to be statements without definition, beyond thin political fodder in opposition to Obama.

One point that I’ve been trying to get anyone to explain to me, is how upholding the SOFA with Iraq without amendment is Obama’s fault? The SOFA stands as it does currently, due to the agreement of the previous Administration. Maliki would not grant the Sadarist and Allawi blocs the latitude to appoint Ministers, and they therefore would lend the sufficient votes to Maliki to obtain passage of amendment to the SOFA in regards to forces staying beyond 31 Dec. Further, the Maliki regime would not grant immunity to US forces that stayed beyond that date.

How is this Obama’s fault? Aren’t there enough fundamental reasons to oppose most of his policies without resorting to stale and unfounded rhetoric?

Doc Bailey

well Shit. I was going to put my own two sense on it, but I would only take away from what the LT said.


For CI, Karzai does not = Maliki. Or,did you intend that post for “The Spin is Dizzying”?
Your devotion to Obama is noted, though. The “smartest man in the world”, along with the “smartest woman in the world” couldn’t re-negotiate a SOFA agreement while having the troops in-country? Maybe because this was more a political move than strategic move?
As the Lt said in #5, “From where Karzi Maliki sits, cozing up to the folks that he KNOWS are still going to be players in the area 18 3 months from now is his best and smartest move”.


@11 – Nope, I intended that post for the good LT in post 5, who brought up the Iraqi SOFA in his rambling dissertation of how all of our foreign policy woes are the fault of the left…and only the left.

If it was so transparently simple that Obama is at fault for the end-state of the SOFA, anybody could have explained why. Even you could have, though you didn’t/couldn’t. Instead you flail about in a farcical attempt to link me in any way with Obama. Is that really the best you can do?

Old Trooper

CI; It is well known that Pakistan has been an ally since the 60’s, through every administration and both parties. Whether a radical element has taken hold in Pakistan, I don’t know, but their sworn enemy isn’t the US, but rather India. Why Karzai would think that there would be a war between us and Pakistan; I don’t know that either, unless he either knows something, or is just pumping up his chest and bloviating to be noticed.


@13 – There’s nothing that I disagree with in your post.


Flail? I haven’t flailed for years, can’t say the same for you. And, a “fine post”(your words) is a “rambling dissertation”(again, your words).
The only consistent thing about you is your inconsistency, and your thinly veiled love of Obama.
And, OT, you’ve hit the gold, you posted something that CI doesn’t disagree with.


On the flip side, since Obama abandoned Karzai, he gets to make new friends, and maybe keep his head too.


I see you can’t actually answer the question, so you’re forced to personalize a response, and again project the fact that you want me to support Obama. Makes it easier for you…less critical thinking.


That’s ok, we know you love you some O. And, I wouldn’t go too close to anything about “critical thinking”, when your fall back is he’s only doing what Bush did.
As for the “Obama is at fault for the end-state of the SOFA,”, let us know who the president is, and who the SoS is? They tried to renegotiate, but couldn’t get it done. If the status quo is so good, why did they try to renegotiate?
I don’t have to want you to support Obama, you do.


@18 – It’s sort of amusing, but even more perplexing why you would even waste key strokes trying to associate me with the political opposition. It’s intellectually lazy. Unless you’ve forgotten, you know full well what my ideology is, and that it’s in diametric opposition to that of the left. If your assertion were true, it would be plainly apparent and easily sourced.

So engaging in the masturbatory exercise of of calling some guy on the internet that you don’t know, what you want him to be, just makes you look silly and lazy. And it’s also immaterial, since you clearly don’t have the courage of your convictions to actually defend what is presumed to be your position.

“And, I wouldn’t go too close to anything about “critical thinking”, when your fall back is he’s only doing what Bush did.”

I should have known not to use a term like that to a comment-section-bobblehead. I laid out a synopsis of why the Maliki regime couldn’t come to the table on any negotiations, you you respond with more empty non-response.

Being Conservative means questioning your preconceived notions and testing your assumptions. Being Liberal is swimming downstream with groupthink, and nodding along with the crowd, vacant-eyed and slack-jawed.

Perhaps it’s you who is the Obama supporter…..


In #19 you said, “Unless you’ve forgotten, you know full well what my ideology is”. Nope, haven’t forgotten. You, and what you have to say, just aren’t that important.
That’s the only thing you said that you expected a response to, right? The rest appeared to be just more reasons to be rude, and condescending, which you really do have down pat.