Hippies freaking out

| October 21, 2011

ROS sent us this video of a couple of drama queens at Occupy Wall Street. Language warning.

Not only is their outrage phony, so is their rhetoric.

Meanwhile, Democracy Now! reports that the president these scumbags elected has collected more money from Wall Street than any other candidate;

New figures show President Obama continues to pull in huge donations from the financial sector, with more money from Wall Street this year than all other Republican presidential candidates combined. According to the Washington Post, Obama has raised a total of $15.6 million from banks and other financial firms, with nearly $12 million of that going to the Democratic National Committee.

So, how’s that hope and Change working out for you idealistic retards?

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, I hate hippies

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Country Singer

Surprise, surprise: Weasel Zippers discovered he’s a Columbia U trust fund baby.



The main reason Wall Street, which funded Obama so handsomely in 2008, and Kerry in 2004, and AlGore in 2000 (wow, a trend) is a thing called ‘regulatory capture.’ With Obamacare, Dodd-Frank, and the various Stimulae measures that looted the nation, the politicos added that the many regulatory agencies can write rules that could do extreme damage to the personal fortunes of many on Wall Street.

So, to prevent that from happening, Wall Street now must support Obama.

Current regulatory agencies include: “Federal Housing Finance Agency, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Federal Reserve, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the Office of Thrift Supervision, and, not least, the Securities and Exchange Commission.” http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/229635/we-i-didnt-i-deregulate/veronique-de-rugy

And then there’s the FBI, and state and local police and consumer protection agencies, and so on.

IIRC: wasn’t the a$$clown in the video exposed as a very well off Trust Fund Baby?

Doc Bailey

Honestly while trying to appear “tough” on wall street, and he is with anybody he’s not sweet on (like GE), he has created so many loop holes, and given us such insanity, its really no wonder we’re looking at a double dip recession.

I find it hilarious how lack of regulation in this particular case is blamed for the crash. It had everything to do with pea brained regulation. But don’t tell these ass clowns. Truth hurts too much apparently.

USMC Steve

Is that anagry hairy thing a bitch?


Yes DaveO he has been exposed….bet mommy & daddy are really proud of their *spitting* child protesting the rich and Wall Street.

Old Trooper

Revoke the whiney bitch’s mancard and kick him in the seeds.


The still picture on the video is sufficient, thanks. I’m not watching ape boy in motion, even with the sound off. No sense in marring an otherwise good day.


Thanks to the memory of the internet, the only place this trust fund baby will ever get a job, will be with daddy. Or, at the local arugula collective.
And, OT, I totally agree.


#8: Or Congress.


Looks like they’ve been inhaling Soupy’s shoe cleaner……


Thanks, Dave, I totally neglected Congress.


BTW, this waste of oxygen is from New Mexico, and claims that mommy and daddy are “proud” that he’s involved. That translates to, we’re so fucking happy he’s as far from New Mexico as possible, and we don’t have to try to explain him to our friends at the country club. And, he was a “student” at two colleges and now is a “non-matriculated student” attending graduate classes at Columbia. Means he flunked out of two colleges and is now hiding out at Columbia, even though he has not paid tuition and is not really a student. And, he’s reduced to getting his meals at the Flea Bag rally, because McDonald’s put locks on their dumpsters, and his “friends” have kicked his worthless ass out on the street.


Funny how many of these “protesters” are trust funders. You can spend alot of your time doing this shit if you don’t have to work for a living


I’m gonna venture a guess and say this freakshow doesn’t even know what friggin planet he’s on.


Again these fucksticks are at the highlight of their pathetic lives. This punk looks like he/she should have been on the Blair Witch Project-whining holed up goof.


Looks like he caught a bad case of the Rave. lol
