Say what?

| September 14, 2011

I’m no lip reader, so I’m not going to speculate on what this conversation is about…but you can go ahead and discuss it among yourselves.

Thanks to Sparky and ROS for the link.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden

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All this for a flag


I cannot begin to imagine the reaction if it’s true. No doubt the WH staff is working overtime trying to find a phrase in a foreign language that looks like the English words “All this for a flag.” This is unbelievable. There had better be a damn good response from the WH.


This is who YOU voted for, America. Just remember that when you see a dirty leftist with a Boston Red Sox emblem and a “Hope and Change” sticker on their Volkswagen. They voted for him.

As for the Post Turtle and his Lawn Jockey of a wife: They have NO RESPECT. NONE.


Yes, all that for a flag. That flag has done more to ensure that you could go to your bra-burning liberal college and hate the country. If you don’t like it, try going to Iran and saying the same thing when they raise their flag. I’m sure they will tell you to shut the hell up unless they just shoot you on the spot!


All this vitriol over amateur lip reading from a video? Surely there are substantive issues to take offense at?


That flag represents a free nation, one with pride and determination.

They represent the nanny state, where only “victims” mean anything — because they’re useful.

The two can never meet. It’s like mixing matter and anti-matter.


It looks like “All this to fold a flag?”


Obviously, despite all her time being exposed and looking at the military, and she s never seen anything like it. Apparently she needs to get schooled on proper handling/manuevering of the colors.

Oh and Im pretty sure we have her on record stating she doesn’t like the US of A…anyone else see anything wrong with this picture?


CI–this from a woman who also said she had never been proud of America:

“People in this country are ready for change and hungry for a different kind of politics and … for the first time in my adult life I am proud of my country because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback.” -Michelle Obama, February 19, 2008

Let’s not forget her screed that passed for a senior thesis at Princeton as well.


NSOM, My lip reading picked up something about folding the flag also. Regardless, do these two knuckleheads not know there are cameras on them every time they are in public? Stand there and smile, and then GFY!


Fiji for our next vacation?


Seriously, she may never have been to a Military funeral or one where the flag was folded in the proper manner and was surprised and a little awed by the whole thing. She dosn’t seem to have a look of scorn on her face, more like disbelief.


I agree with jonp. She seems like, “Wow, all this for folding a flag mhmmm….” Like she is aw-struck by the performance and the President looks proud too.

John Curmudgeon

Babylon Serpent, if you think everyone that is a Red Sox fan is some Socialist reject then you are fucking retarded.

Having said that, it does look like she is saying “All this for a flag” or whatever. I’m not going to lose my mind over it. It’s crappy, it sucks and if she did say that then she is a bitch, but I’m not going to lose my shit over it. I don’t think being constantly enraged is healthy for your body, so put on some Flock of Seagulls and CTFO.

Zero Ponsdorf

Ya’ll know what. Unless she was saying “I have to pee” the details simply don’t matter. I’ve been to several Flag Ceremonies, none as monumental as this one, but no less significant to some. It IS disrespectful! YMMV

Political Season

I don’t think she was making any sort of snide comment at all. I can’t quite catch the words she is saying, but neither her tone, expression or the words she is mouthing indicate that she was expressing scorn or disdain in anyway. I think she was expressing a thought about the precision folding of the flag.

This reminds me of the photo that purported to be Obama looking at some French girl’s ass and it was no such thing, in fact, it was Sarkozy doing all the butt ogling. This looks like the same sort of thing.

Political Season

I went back and looked at several more times. Before she says flag, she seems to say the word food, or something that begins with an F. It would help to have film of exactly what she was looking at the time she made the comment. Right now, I kinda think she is making a disapproving comment about somebody getting food on the flag?


“No. Barry. I’m still wearing them.”


Looked like “all this to fold a flag”? And, like others said, with her past statements about the US, I doubt she meant this in any kind of respectful way.


I in no way like the FLOTUS. Given that her lip movements are minimized, she could just as easily be saying ‘too much ceremony’ or ‘much ado about nothing.’


Here’s the thing…you’re at a solemn event as the First Lady to the Chief-Executive of the United States…how about shutting the fuck up for 10 minutes and perform your useless little ceremonial duty, saving your blathering bullshit for the limo ride home. How about that.


Doesn’t take a rocket scientist (or an expert lip reader) to see what that broad is saying, John.

They’re both just sitting there with their smug ass ‘holier than thou’ looks on their grills.

Friggin’ #SCOAMF… and his wide-assed bride. They can KMNWA.



The video was shut down by youtube as of 9/15 at 0612


Sorry about that, I guess just the embedding was.