Paranoia in Iran
ROS sends us a link from the UK’s Time which reports that Iran has cracked down on the dangerous practitioners of a western-inspired conspiracy;
Young people splashing each other with water apparently translates to civil unrest in Iran, where a number of people were arrested over the weekend for engaging in water fights in a Tehran public park, the Associated Press reports.
“This is not simply a game with water. This act is being guided from abroad,” Gholam Hossein Mohseni, an Iranian spokesman of the judiciary reportedly said, inferring that Iranian opposition groups were the culprit.
Mohseni told conservative news website Tabnak that detainees were deceived, “and some said they came out based on a call from a counterrevolutionary,” according to the Associated Press. Some detainees also claimed they were given water guns and were “motivated by ‘foreign invitation.’”
Yeah, because the CIA is constantly trying to destabilize governments by issuing Super Soakers to the rabble. It’s in their budget.
Next thing you know, the Iranians will be shutting down lemonade stands.
Category: Terror War
I’m having a real hard time believing this story is anything but an Onion article. Then again, this is the country that thinks a black speed boat is a new super weapon, so I’m probably expecting too much of too little.
Gee, what would happen if a Muslim man saw a wet T-shirt contest?
It’s the Annette Funicello/Frankie Avalon “Splash Me” Conspiracy. If you watch the movie “Beach Party” from 1963 with the sound turned down and play Pink Floyd’s “Dark Side of the Moon” at the same time, you will see hidden messages that have only now been deciphered by sleeper cells in Tehran.
Oh great, A. P., now all the mullahs are going to be downloading Pink Floyd and bolloxing up the internet! Thaaaanks. 🙂
No more fun of any kind! (Now we know why The Clash wrote “Rock the Casbah”.)