Bloomberg calls for tougher gun laws when 24 NYers are shot in 24 hours
Apparently, it’s Washington’s fault that New Yorkers are getting shot;
Twenty-four New Yorkers were hit by gunfire, one fatally, over 24 hours of violence this weekend, prompting Mayor Bloomberg to call the bloody stretch “unconscionable” and demand action from Washington.
The eruption of shootings from 6 a.m. Saturday to 6 a.m. Sunday left the mayor livid and the parents of three wounded children distraught and angry.
Since handguns are illegal in new York City for most residents, I don’t how the laws could get tougher, unless they have a requirement for the criminals to take a marksmanship course before they go out on their shooting sprees.
And what “action” does Bloomberg the boob think that Washington can take?
The mayor called on all federal politicians, regardless of party, to get on the same page .
“Both ends of Pennsylvania Ave., both sides of the aisle,” he said. “We cannot continue to have these guns in the hands of kids who don’t understand the value of life.”
Well, then, enforce your own laws, mayor. Funny how politicians are always able to blame someone other than them-stupid-selves for their own failings. Give every law abiding New Yorker a gun and see how many criminals are willing to open fire on crowds when there’s a chance they could catch some inbound lead.
Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists
“Since handguns are illegal in new York City for most residents, I don’t how the laws could get tougher…”
Right there is the essence of the idiocy in places like NYC.
And yet dipshit will try to run “stings” in states outside NY which have more lenient (read: they believe in the Second Amendment) as “evidence” that those mean old states are flooding NYC with guns.
It’s Fast and Furious on a local scale. And just as fucked up.
I would have been disappointed if Blooming idiot hadn’t blamed it on the guns. He hasn’t figured out that states/municipalities that have strict gun laws usually have higher violent crime rates. He has been shown the data, but he doesn’t want to believe it.
With political ho’s like that idiot running things (into the ground), who needs enemies?
I think Bloomberg is trying to disarm the police. He’s got about 1 US Army Corps worth of police, and that’s a lot of freaky scary guns so close to the Mayor’s person.
This is nearly as rich as his Hurricame Irene press conference during which he told New Yorkers that candles are dangerous and can start fires.
Like the saying goes, “Take a mans gun you take away his freedom.”
If only someone could get a couple of crates of the guns used in the “fast & furious” debacle and then smuggle them into New York. Then leave them in a place to be discovered by the NYPD, NYT and FOX (just to keep the other two straight). Hilarity is bound to ensue.
Funny — you’d think a sheep-herder would be the last type of person NYers would want for a mayor.
We’re In Another Recession, But We Never Left the New Depression…
“Since handguns are illegal in new York City for most residents, I don’t how the laws could get tougher,”. I”m still waiting for any reporter or reporterette to ask the mayor a variation on this statement as a question.
If he’s worried about the “kids” having guns, do something about the “kids”. And the parent or parents who let the “kids” do shit like this.
Of course, in New York City today few can obtain a handgun permit anyway, leaving law abiding Citizens essentially unConstitutionally disarmed and at the mercy of lawless criminals. These criminals have no intention of obeying the law in the first place and therefore have no inhibitions against illegal firearm possession, after all, what’s the consequence when you’re a criminal? A 1-3 skid bid at an upstate country club? Pu-leeze! The prison system is a real joke of a consequence to that segment of society. They just don’t care because pussy-willow liberals like Bloomberg have made NY prisons into country club crime colleges that are more pleasant to many than the street. Notice Bloomberg says not a word about the lax prison system that does NOTHING to punish felons WHATSOEVER!
Obviously Bloomberg has taken up the globalist illuminati’s crusade against firearms and an armed Citizenry by dishing out anti-gun propaganda in lockstep with the marxist globalist United Nations. It’s also pretty obvious that Bloomberg and his new world order elite globalist friends know that the last hope of a free society is an armed Citizenry that a tyrannical out-of-control government must respect. Maybe that’s why they’re working so hard to spin every situation into an opportunity to disarm law abiding Citizens all across America.
As I’ve read and said: “An armed man is a citizen. An unarmed man is a subject.”
oh those crazy Amish – I told’em don’t take your gun to town, boy.
“Kelly said the gunman who killed Gay had an extensive criminal history, including criminal possession of a firearm and assault and drug charges.” So, despite the fact that at least one of the gunmen was already breaking federal, state, and city law, one more law is all that’s needed.
Because, by God, the over 20,000 we already have just aren’t enough.