That 2012 campaign movie

| August 12, 2011

Tman sends us a link to an article on Yahoo News in which the Obama Administration defends itself from the charge that it’s in cahoots with Hollywood to make a movie about the bin Laden raid that will be released in the weeks before next year’s presidential elections.

Says Kathryn Bigelow, the director (also the director of that shitwad “The Hurt Locker”) says;

“Our upcoming film project about the decade long pursuit of Bin Laden has been in the works for many years and integrates the collective efforts of three administrations, including those of Presidents Clinton, Bush, and Obama,” in addition to the Department of Defense and the CIA, they say. “This was an American triumph, both heroic and non-partisan,” they said of the mission, “and there is no basis to suggest that our film will represent this enormous victory otherwise.”

Yeah, I’m sure. I think back to The Hurt Locker and I don’t see anything non-partisan coming out of this. Republican Congressman Peter King doesn’t think it’s funny that the White House is declassifying details of the operation to Hollywood before they’re telling us, the people who financed the mission. Says King in a letter to the DoD and CIA OIGs;

…this alleged collaboration belies a desire of transparency in favor of a cinematographic view of history.

The White House says it’s ridiculous.

“We do not discuss classified information. And I would hope that as we face a continued threat from terrorism, the House Committee on Homeland Security would have more important topics to discuss than a movie,” [White House spokesdick, Jay] Carney added.

The same White House spokesdick who defended the campaign photos taken at Dover AFB earlier this week despite the wishes of the bereaved families.

COB6 and I had a commander in Desert Storm who made tons of big-ass mistakes during our portion of the war and afterwards, he assembled the whole company and dictated what he thought that we should remember about the war. Most of it was fractured history, in fact the whole history of the battalion in Desert Storm was pretty much manufactured from a Sergeant Major who took out an Iraqi tank with a 9mm pistol and a platoon sergeant who was struck in the eye by the fin of an RPG round which flew over his head. All of which eventually appeared in the Tom Clancy book.

i recounted that to say this; the Obama Administration isn’t telling us about the mission, but they’re giving Hollywood unprecedented access because that’s what the White House wants us to remember about the mission – the Hollywood version – as we go to the polls.

If you haven’t read the Mudville Gazette post on this yet, you really need to.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden

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If I were to say out loud what I was really thinking, someone in a brownshirt would take me away.
Bastard, narcissistic buddy fucking idiot, that Barry S. is.

Sgt K

Oh c’mon! “The Hurt Locker” deserved to win the oscar. (If they had a best comedy oscar that is.)


Almost makes you wonder if the Obama administration really DOES have it in for the SEALs after the whole Maersk Alabama incident.

Agent 99

#1 defendUSA
Yep me too.
Just thinking how the “”media/movie/hollywood” will Praise “The One” gave me a Fkn’ Headache so bad I misspelled Google (Spelled it GooFle)
BUT got @ least 26 Different Versions of BHO’s ”’CLOUD OF CONFUSION” regarding OBL’s ”killing”’

Which One Will Bigelow use?? The ONE that the ONE wants.
Plus pizzes me off that CLASSIFIED Data is being disseminated to ‘outsiders’ aka Hollywood.
BTW ….JMHFO…..BHO was an ”outsider” in the “”TAKEDOWN””
Chipmunk In the Corner ((Pic)) Looks more like BHO was a freeking Pizza Delivery Boy that just Happened to walk in to the OP!!


Don’t think the movie is going to do what they want to believe it will do.

The movie is 2 stories: elite commando raids bad guy place, does some killing, extracts. There are dozens of movies with the exact same plotline. There are dozens of videogames with the exact same plotline.

Plotline 1: fail

The second story is political drama that present BHO as Greek god. There’ve been a number of movies, and TV shows with the exact same plotline. Perhaps these Hollywood clowns will be unique and give us a mashup of “Troy” and “All the King’s Men.” Naw. Hollywood isn’t that original.

Plotline 2: yawner. Worse than fail.

Now, if they made a cartoon out of it, and played it on ABC/Disney and Nickolodeon: that would a threat.


Maybe Matt Stone and Trey Parker can get together and make a Team America sequel? Herrroooo! America Fuck yeah!


This film needs to hit the theaters in January 2013 so that it doesn’t affect the election. Talk to anybody in the movie industry and they will tell you what a bitch it is to get the filming done under budget and on time. The timing can be disrupted with massive demonstration. Much of the filming will be done in public areas where the law of trespass doesn’t apply. In other words, if you walked across the set during a shoot, the most they could get you for is a violation of a police order which is quasi criminal and punishable by a fine only. I could go on for a half hour about strategy of disruption, but I won’t. Suffice it to say that this movie needs to be delayed and it can be done.

Major Kong

The Hurt Locker was a festering shitpile; I feel resentful about the two hours of my life I will never, ever get back. One of the dumbest and most unrealistic war movies ever made, but then would you really expect accuracy or realism from the person who directed the insanely stupid Point Break?

I do not plan to see any future movies made by Kathryn Bigelow, regardless of subject.

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Seriously, a report deflects the argument that smokers cost the government more because they DIE EARLIER? Could it also be because the report was out of NEW ZEALAND where people simply pay more in taxes and they have socialized medicine?