Veterans Today: Kristallnacht was a false flag operation

| August 2, 2011

I’m sure you’ve heard of Kristallnacht, the nights of violence and destruction that eventually resulted in European Jews being marched into the ovens and gas chambers of Hitler’s concentration camps sparked by the assassination of Secretary of the German Embassy in Paris, Ernst vom Rath by Polish teen Jew Herschel Feibel Grynszpan in Paris in November, 1938.

Well, Ingrid Zundel, in the era of countless “false flag operations” committed by the Mossad, according to the authors at Veterans Today, declares that Kristallnacht was a false flag operation. I know it’s hard to believe since there was no Mossad, but of course, the Jews themselves were decades ahead of the yet-unfounded intelligence agency. Zundel quotes from German author, Ingrid Weckert.

According to Weckert, Hitler and Goebbels tried to stop the senseless rampage and that they were outraged by behavior they considered “un-German”. And the proof that Weckert has that the rampage was committed by the Jews? The fact that Goebbels levied a tax on all European Jews for the damage caused on Crystal Night.

And, oh, Germans weren’t even capable of such atrocities;

Along with my entire generation, I received an education of the highest ethical standards. We were brought up to love and respect our country and people. We were taught to be proud of its great history. The heroes of Germany’s past represented our great ideals. They spurred us to honesty and responsibility in our own lives. In my opinion, the youth of Adolf Hitler’s Germany was the finest of all Europe and perhaps of the entire world.

The same ethical standards applied to the SS and SA. The SA stormtroopers were not sophisticated men. They usually preferred to use their fists before using their heads, but they acted according to the ideals which they had been taught: honor, faithfulness, honesty and devotion to their people and country. They were not at all the sadistic beasts portrayed by so-called historians. It was their faithfulness and gallantry which saved Germany from chaos and Communism. It is sheer stupidity to describe the SA men as blood-thirsty killers, as is widely done today.

Yeah, tens of millions died in the war that the Nazis fought against civilization, more than half of the casualties were non-combatants, but those SS guys were pretty cool. And, apparently, Jews still suck like they did in the 1930s. Weckert also makes the claim that the German government tried to help Jews move to Palestine, but most of them didn’t want to go. What’s a tolerant, benevolent government to do? Well, besides marching them all to gas chambers.

Category: General Whackos, Shitbags

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This woman is just living in a malign fantasy land. The only place her writings should be viewed is on the walls of her padded cell.


Nuttier than squirrel shit.

Old Trooper


Ingrid Rimland is an award-winning ethnic novelist, with five books and hundreds of articles and columns to her credit. Born to Russian-German Mennonites in the Ukraine, she experienced World War II as a small child. Multilingual and gifted linguistically, she brings a unique perspective to the Patriot struggle, having lived under four dictators in her young years – Stalin, Hitler, Peron of Argentina, and Stroessner of Paraguay.

Ingrid is proudly married to one of the world’s most politically incorrect human rights activist, Ernst Zundel, kidnapped by America’s Zionist-beholden government goons on American soil in 2003 for having spoken Truth to Power about the so-called “Holocaust”. She has earned a doctorate in Education from the University of the Pacific and been a U.S. citizen since 1973. ”

Nuff said.


I think I may throw up.

Doc Bailey

those sneaky Jews. Who knew that they were going to massacre themselves to start their own near Genocide. This is just like when Hiroshima destroyed itself so that Japan could eventually dominate the world. . . oh wait.

JA Yossarian

Is it possible that Veterans Today is a “military-community” version of The Onion? Reason I ask is because this article, like most from them, is so completely 180 degrees from actual historical data that it must just be a form of anti-Semitic satire. Also, it must be poor-taste satire because one must be a complete moron to write it and/or believe it.


Wahnsinn macht frei, Frau Zundel.

Nice to see a neo-nazi reworking of history. I am sure her husband would be proud.


OK, the Jews marched themselves into the ravine at Babi Yar, among a whole bunch of other places, and managed to convince a bunch of Mauser rifles and Walther pistols to shoot them? And managed to convince Zyklon B to pour itself into the vents over the showers. Got it.


LOL Americans again, an illegal nation that is occupying someone else’s land, a nation that has been built on not just one, but two holocausts, pointing again to the “bad Germans”. Oh dear, it’s getting boring, dont you people see? Heard it a million times. Those bad bad Nazi Germans, waging war “on zivilisation”, so who is that Mr. Zivilisation, a country that put black people in chains, murdered them all and called it “land of the free”? A land who exterminated 58 Million Indians, and built their illegal nation on the bones of those who own the land?

Germany has the finest philophers, poets, literature, opera, Classical music, culture, and Arts. What does America have? Genetically manipulated Cheeseburgers and Disneyland-TV shows. America it not civilised, it’s barbarians invading Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and many other nations to steal their oil and resources, calling it “bringing democracy” lol .

Under this “democracy”, America murdered 10 – 14 Million innocents after 1945, not to mention the two biggest Holocausts (Native American Holocaust and African American Holocaust) this nation has been built on. Now with a history like that, i am not surprised an American prefers to distract by pointing to some else. lol


*yawn* Sorry. Did you say something intelligent? I zoned out with all the vapid nonsense you were spouting.

HS Sophomore

All TAH commenters to battle stations! Stormfront is invading the blog!


No it’s not those Stormfront clowns. Just some stupid twunt resurrecting a dead thread. Hey Jenny, essen sie einen schwantz!


Don’t piss her off…I wanna hear more about the “fine philophers”!.


Oh, it’s “moderated” 🙂 Now let’s see if these people who murdered millions in Hiroshima, Dresden, Iraq , Vietnam etc. and who claimed to bring “free speech”, are really into “free speech” or not.


And now coming to you live from Berlin, the Deutsch Ditz – Jenny.

Und wie ist die Reischtag in diesen Tagen, Frau Propagandaminister??

Climb to Glory

Holy Shit. Is this VWP’s literate long lost cousin? Just as dumb as he is. Jenny, are you able to chew gum and walk at the same time. Useful idiot.

Green Thumb





Ya forgot to fart in her general direction, GT.

The Other Whitey

Okay, “Jenny,” you Teutonic twat. I’ll bite. Have you ever talked to any of the British soldiers who broke down the gates of Bergen-Belsen? It’s the place where Anne Frank died, and was relatively mild compared to many of the other camps. Talk to any American veteran (including my Great-Uncle Jim) who helped to liberate any of the camps in southern Germany or northern Austria. Talk to any Soviet soldier who survived the nightmare that was German captivity for Slavic ethnicities. Or read the testimony of German veterans like Luftwaffe fighter pilot 1LT Franz Stigler. Are they part of some vast conspiracy? Really? Are you also selling me a bridge to Hawaii? And we did not kill “millions” after 1945. In Korea, US, UN, and ROK forces took great pains–and casualties–trying to protect Korean civilians, including North Koreans. Just look at the tens of thousands evacuated from Hagaru-Ri while US Marines froze, bled, and starved along Hellfire Alley (the road to Chosin Reservoir). Most Korean civilian casualties were the direct result of political oppression by the Norks (the ROKs were known to shoot suspected enemy sympathizers, but not in anything like the numbers murdered by Kim Il Sung’s commissars), depredations by the Red Chinese (who are only slightly more fond of Koreans than they are of Japs), and the unavoidable harsh consequences of war (crossfire, etc). Vietnam? Nice try, sweetheart. The US bombing campaign for almost the entire war was micromanaged by LBJ and dumped millions of pounds of ordnance on uninhabited jungle. Strikes in populated areas were slightly more frequent than appearances of Hailey’s Comet. And incidents like My Lai (which was unforgivable, but was also stopped by other American Soldiers) were few and far between. The “Hearts and Minds” campaign was tightly enforced in dealings with Southeast Asian locals (not just Vietnamese, also Khmer, Lao, and the various Montagnard tribes such as Hmong, Colo, etc). Unfortunately, the ARVNs tended to be a lot more heavy-handed than the US, British, Australian, or South Korean forces involved in the conflict. And the communist Viet Cong, prodded by their NVA masters,… Read more »

Virtual Insanity


Knowing the history of what we have *actually* done, do you think it’s really a good idea to piss us off?

Let me guess. You’re an Ostie, aren’t you?


She probably is based on the silly Übermensch bullshit she spouted.


More like scheissemensch in her case. I know, it’s not a real German word, but it is apropos.


Dis bitch be seriously “upgefucht.”