Rewriting history while it happens

| July 15, 2011

I’ve really tried to ignore this debate over the impending debt ceiling fix because it just pisses me off to no end. I know that no matter it turns out, we’re screwed. ROS has been sending me links steadily over the last few days and makes it hard to ignore. She sends this one from the Daily Press about the President’s press conference today (I turned the TV off when he came on);

The White House has insisted that any deal include some mechanism for raising more revenue in order to significantly pay down the deficit, but congressional Republicans have balked at the prospect of tweaking the tax code for deficit reduction. That remains the largest stumbling block in negotiations.

The GOP would instead prefer deep spending cuts past the $2.4 trillion amount by which the administration seeks to raise the debt ceiling. The House hopes to pass a plan next week that includes the cuts, along with a provision for a balanced-budget amendment.

We’ve already established that raising taxes isn’t going to help settle the problem, but the Democrats can’t help themselves from calling for tax hikes. I think it’s in their extra-chromosome DNA. Nice touch, though, calling it “tweaking the tax code”. Maybe we can tweak ourselves out of this mess, huh?

But, this is the line that got me;

“This is not some abstract issue,” Obama said. “Congress has run up the credit card. We now have an obligation to pay our bills.”

As if he had nothing to do with running up the credit card. Yeah, technically, it’s true that it’s largely Congress’ fault, but it was Obama’s glorious agenda that the Democrat Congress enacted – mostly without a single Republican vote in the House. Remember how the Washington Post used to remind of us of that fact after every budget-busting vote in Congress? I wonder why they don’t mention it these days?

What “we” actually had an obligation to do was not enact some of this useless shit we’ve been saddled with over the last two years. There have been myriad examples of why we shouldn’t have written blank checks to employment schemes and turtle tunnels, but I guess Democrats don’t learn from history – history like how the Bush tax cuts actually increased tax revenues and lowered unemployment during his tenure. Just like it worked during the Reagan years.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Congress sucks, Economy

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Adirondack Patriot

All of the problems facing the nation — unemployment, decreasing tax revenues, increased government dependency, mortgage foreclosures, the devalued dollar and deficit spending — can ALL be solved if the potential of the American economy is unleashed. For that, we need an economic plan, and Obama has no economic plan, only speeches and a plan for “social justice” taxes.

Three good areas to start will be to lift the oil moratorium, repeal Obamacare (and all of its attendant taxes), and repeal all of the pro-union/”green” federal regulations that Obama enacted as political payback.


Raise your hand if you are one of the “80%” who WANT to pay higher taxes…Just what I thought. No idiots in this blogosphere…

Maybe he means those of us who actually pay? No…nope. I know. He means the working populus who have gotten away without paying…right?

It occurred to me that permanent welfare recipients should not be allowed to claim any deductions when filing taxes, since they actually earned nothing and manage to survive on OPM. They get paid to breathe, essentially and I am not down with that since it’s the effing entitlements that need to be cut.

Barack Obama…do as I say, not as I do.


It would also be nice if Democrats paid their share of existing taxes. Is it any wonder that they’re so eager to raise taxes, considering they’re not going to be paying them anyway?


John, you missed the biggest problem with that last line you quoted that really got you…

“Congress has run up the credit card. We now have an obligation to pay our bills.”

The current problem isn’t that he and his party are the ones behind that maxed out credit card, although that’s certainly what got us into the mess we’re in now. The current problem is that HE HAS NO INTENTION TO “pay our bills.” The whole reason he’s having to cancel his vacations and stay in at the White House talking to the GOP is that he wants the credit card company to increase his credit limit so he doesn’t have to curtail his spending spree.

If we took the President’s credit card away from him, stuck it in a bowl full of water and put it in the freezer so he couldn’t use it on a whim to buy every shiny bauble that caught his eye, paying the existing bill would still be difficult but at least the bill wouldn’t keep growing quite so quickly.

You’d think the most talented public speaker in the history of the spoken word would at least once in a while come up with an analogy that wasn’t full of fail.


He isn’t the most talented public speaker, TOTUS is. The man couldn’t form a sentence without “uummmm’ in it if you told him it’d raise Marx from the dead.


ROS, I heard him today, stumbling his way through one of the dems talking points, “er,er,er,er,er,er, and we have to get this done”. Not the greatest speaker in the world, umm, umm, umm.


As an unapologetic Grammar Nazi, my head explodes every time he opens his dirty, whorish mouth.

What baffles me most is that so many swoon over him when he’s so obviously a flaming imbecile. WTH??

Doc Bailey

I never did get the idolatry surrounding the man. I swear if you read the Kos or DU round the time that he got elected you’d think the man was the Christ.


Dear El Presidente’ & Ms. Obama….Tonight I just spent the last of my money on pork n beans. I know they are not anything fancy such as your fat asses eat when you want but, hey. I did get to buy some Chinese imported watermelon in the little container. Now what I want to know is….are you two yard birds gonna follow your advice and eat like me or are you gonna eat high on the hog and share with all us? You see Mrs Obama you do have a nice set of hips….nice n wide, babymaker hips.

So since your hips are that big, I was wondering….Do you wear a girdle or what?

Yours truly; starving marvin streetsweeper

PSS: 7 cans of pork n beans only goes so far. Is there a chance I could get you to ship me the leftovers you don’t eat? I’m not fussy, generally thankful for any scraps I kin git too…


And by the way? The imported Chimanese watermelon tastes like shit….Does China have to follow your rules for planting gardens by any chance?

B Woodman

Read Ann Coulter’s latest, “Demonic”. It explains a lot on why the libtards swoon and worship their own hand-made idols.