Fox Wars

| July 15, 2011

Cortillaen sends us a link from US News which recounts some of the email exchange released by Judicial Watch between White House officials in regards to attempts to block Fox News correspondents access to the news;

“In an email on the night of October 22, 2009, commenting on a report by Fox News Channel anchor Bret Baier noting the exclusion of the network from the pool, Psaki writes to Compte and fellow White House colleagues, ‘…brett baier just did a stupid piece on it — but he is a lunatic”.'”

Brett Baier? Really? I’ve met Baier and he’s one of the nicest and apolitical people in Washington. That’s the reason I never miss Special Report – it’s always a fair look at events in Washington. Just because he doesn’t report the exclusive White House line, that doesn’t make him biased, it makes him a journalist. One of the few left.

Can you imagine if emails like this had leaked out during the Bush Administration? Reporters would be storming the White House gates.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Media

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Doc Bailey

kind of like Adams with the Alien and Sedition Act.