That divisive Pledge of Allegiance

| June 29, 2011

So some shithole in Oregon, apparently being governed by empty-headed ingrates, has decided that the Pledge of Allegiance is too divisive to recite twenty-four times a year at their Eugene, Oregon bimonthly city council meetings so they limit the recitation to just four times every year (Fox News link).

Clark says all he wanted to do was unite the council and show his more conservative constituents that in this city where diversity is celebrated, their more traditional values also are important.

“It’s a little ironic to see those who have championed the idea of tolerance be less tolerant on this question,” Clark Said. Mayor Kitty Piercy called the Pledge of Allegiance divisive. “If there’s one thing the flag stands for,” Piercy says, “it’s that people don’t have to be compelled to say the Pledge of Allegiance or anything else.”

Kitty Piercy also signs her name to every Code Pink resolution that comes down the pike – I guess Code Pink isn’t divisive at all.

I have an old drinking buddy in Eugene from back in the Cottonbaler days and I suggest to him that he recommend the following resolution to the city council – since they can only summon the patriotism four times a year to say the Pledge of Allegiance before their meetings, they should only have their meetings four times a year, as well. And take a corresponding pay cut.

How can the residents of Eugene trust their city council to legislate in their interests if they can’t even pledge their obedience to the people? So the city council should only meet when they are moved enough by the Pledge to actually say it out loud.

Category: Code Pink, I hate hippies

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I biked through Eugene last year. Before all through the trip we heard “Springfield and Eugene are probably the best places on the tour.” I should have known things were amiss when we rode through Springfield and it looked like utter shit. Springfield turned to Eugene and nothing changed. I was expecting a nicer, cleaner, more vibrant town. What I got was a dirty town full of drifters, crusties, low lifes, and scumbags.


We need to stop putting people in office who don’t know why they’re there, except to foist their own unique brand of stupidity off on us.

It’s like handing the keys of a ferrari to a four-year-old.


Zed, Depending on the route you took through Springfield I can completely agree with your statement.

Main Street looks like the drag outside of every Army Base (Bars, Strip Clubs and Pawn Shops) mainly because Eugene heavily regulates all three, so they just get pushed across the river.

Eugene (Hippy-ville, USA) is pretty much a lost cause where bike lanes are more important than pot holes and whose “patriotism” basically consists of making sure that Federal Construction dollars (Courts, VA Clinic, etc) stay in Eugene.

Bill P

The Peoples Republic of Eugene. I will not stop in that town at anytime.