Europe to US: Please don’t kill the poor little mistreated terrorist

| June 10, 2011

The Miami Herald reports that the European Parliament has requested that the US government not seek the death penalty in their case against Abd al Rahim al-Nashiri, the mastermind of the bombing of the USS Cole which killed 17 sailors and injured 39 others nearly 11 years ago.

“Mr. al-Nashiri’s case is especially sensitive in Europe, since he alleges that for several months in 2002 and 2003 he was tortured and held in secret CIA detention in Poland, and that during his four years in CIA custody before being transferred to Guantanamo, he was tortured by various means including waterboarding,” the parliament said in a statement announcing its approval of the resolution.

Oh, big fuckin’ whaaa! Is it any wonder that the Europeans are being bullied with some success by Islamists? al-Nashiri will be found guilty of 17 counts of murder and 39 counts of attempted murder, but because we made him take a bath and wash his grungy face in a secret prison, we should let him live.

Category: Foreign Policy, Terror War

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US to Europe: STFU and let the adults handle this.


europians = fags. Let al-Nashiri go and execute 20 belgians. Then bury al-nashiri with a pork chop tied around his neck.