Damn… How did I miss this?

| June 8, 2011

I dunno if I would want to revisit the various approaches I’ve dealt with, but this idea is intriguing.

Sarah White, who recently expanded her Naked Therapy practice, Sarah White Therapy (http://sarahwhitetherapy.com), to include three new Naked Therapists-in-Training, has offered Anthony Weiner one free Naked Therapy session to help him begin addressing his problems. As Ms. White told Mr. Weiner, the methods of Naked Therapy are particularly suited to help him overcome what she calls “the uncontrollable acts of arousal frenzy.”

Yeah, that would help him?

I thought I’d seen pretty much everything, but this makes me feel young again. If  I could just figure out where to sign up I’d provide a log for you folks.

Were Mr. Weiner to enter Naked TherapyTM with Ms. White, she asserts, the two would conduct therapy together that would involve many of the same techniques as traditional therapy, but the sessions would also involve Ms. White helping Mr. Weiner discuss his experiences while in a state of arousal so that he can begin to gain insight into the thoughts, feelings and choices he has under the influence of his arousal brain. How would she help him access his arousal brain? “For some clients it’s removing my clothes, for others it’s talking sexually or about sexual issues with them, and for others it’s simply listening to and being supportive of their desires and concerns,” says Ms. White.

The VA put me into several kinds of therapy, but I don’t think this was offered. Anger management made me angry, etc.

Hey Jonn, can you make this part of our health care package?

Category: Politics

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Mike D

Zero sorry to hichjack this excellent naked therapy post. I wanted to email Jonn but cant find his email and have looked into the issue surrounding that Washington Times op-ed Jonn linked to the other day about the California Senate voting to exempt themselves from the states looming ban on open carry of unloaded firearms. The bill, which the WaTimes does not cite, is Senate Bill 610 by Demo Senators Correa and Wright. The bill does make it a misdemeanor to carry an unloaded weapon out in public, with several exceptional allowances. According to the WaTimes op-ed that Jonn based his post on, the bill passed the Senate by vote of 28-8. But it passed on June 1st, 2011…not June 6th or 7th as the oped stated. the vote was 28-8. What the oped failed to notice..thereby imho totally cratering their entire op-ed…was that the exemption for state legislators was amended out of the bill on April 13th. Go to Leginfodotcom and punch in SB 610. Then hit the link for the most recently Amended version on April 13, 2011. You’ll see that the offending passage in the bill that got the WaTimes so worked up went like this: “The bill would require the licensing authority to provide written notification of the determination of good cause to the applicant, as specified. The bill would also require that the good cause requirement be deemed met for any applicant who is a member of Congress, a statewide elected official, or a Member of the Legislature, for purposes of protection or self-defense.” The legislator exemption part starting with “The bill would also require…” was clearly lined-out on April 13, and thus the State Senate did not in fact vote “to exempt itself from the pointless gun-control laws that apply to the rest of the populace.” It specifically took that part out of the bill well before it passed the Senate on June 1st. Bottom line is that the WaTimes oped was hella wrong and should have done their homework better. I think Ima call the Times tomorrow and call them out on this.… Read more »


Shit spit where do I sign up? VA does other crazy shit maybe I can get a ‘script’.


Sorry – off topic but I wanted to make you aware the search warrant affidavit is out in the Guerena killing.


I also have a quickie run-down on the blog. My opinion hasn’t changed – they went to Redwater aware of Jose’s background, with the hope of throwing some lead.

The evidence for any other conclusion just isn’t there.

B Woodman

Back to original post. . . .
Now THAT’S addressing the problem “head” on.
With the way politicians behave, the jokes just write themselves.

Old Trooper

Isn’t a sex “surrogate” or “therapist” just a fancy name for hooker? I’m not complaining; just wondering. Maybe the difference is that with the “therapist” you take matters into your own hands?

Doc Bailey

Ot, I’m pretty sure it is. Mostly though its with those guys (and gals) with EXTREME issues. The efficacy is debatable. I know a Whore House in Vegas that’s cheaper and probably has more “service”


This might just be the long sought cure for PTSD………….. Where do I sign up?


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