IVAW drama queens in Denver

| August 25, 2008

Army Sergeant complains that the Denver Police are looking for potential “direct action” perpetrators. I guess this little monument to drama completely escaped the police;

Here are the anti-war heroes of the IVAW in Denver. All the Left loves them.

Michael Spinnato, a former Marine, said he realized that the war was wrong after returning from combat and attending college at the University of Massachusetts.

“There is no explanation why we are still there,” he said. “Bush and Cheney lied about weapons of mass destruction.”

See, that’s the problem – we need to keep returning vets out of UMASS. I’ll bet he didn’t think there was anything wrong with the war until he met some hairy-legged chic.

Code Pink shut down part of the 16th Street Mall area for about ten minutes until they were dispersed by police.

Coming the other way on the street were the Iraq Veterans Against the War. The group of Iraq veterans marched in the opposite direction on the sidewalk, chanting to applause from the spectators both on the sidewalk and dining on the patio of cafes on the street.

The Code Pink protesters stopped traffic while singing, “All we are saying, is give peace a chance,” echoing the famous Beatles song from nearly 40 years ago. The riot police facing the Code Pink protesters had non-violent weapons in their hands, but never pointed them anywhere besides the ground. Some of the Code Pink protesters took the statement “Make out not war” to heart during the singing.

The police seemed more amused than threatened by the non-violent protesters.

The Iraq Veterans for the War, on the other hand, stayed on the sidewalk while they showed their displeasure for the war in Iraq.

Of course, the odd YouTuber will call the police Stormtroopers and chastise them for wearing protective equipment like IVAW’s pet Rodneykingman;

ARVE Error: need id and provider

If they really were storm troopers, rodney would be laying in the hospital right now wrapped in bandages and mumbling through the gauze “Damn!” And I’m pretty sure you’d get an idea what “Recreate ’68” really menat when you got shoved through a plate glass window.

Even Vets For Peace, those dinosaurs from the first peace movement are getting some face time;

ARVE Error: need id and provider

There seems to be a lot of blogging action on the IVAW today, so I’ll update this as the week progresses.

UPDATED: LGF/Zombie now has pictures of yesterday’s festivities in Denver, although I don’t see any IVAW members.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Code Pink, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Liberals suck, Phony soldiers, Politics

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Raoul Deming

Some of the IVAW regulars like Blake and Liam Madman go around with the Red Fist on their shirts inside an outline of Iraq.

That same fist was used by the SDS back in the 60’s & 70’s, but more recently by the ISO

See http://www.dcchapter.com/flagguide_body.html for the image.

Here’s the text.

International Socialist Organization (ISO)
Fist symbol used by a US-based communist political group that, in its own words, “stands in the revolutionary tradition of Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky”. The ISO favors the confiscation of private property and the abolition of representative democracy in the United States.

COMMENT’S NOTE: For the record, Army Sergeant is totally unaware and not responsible for any of the above as her eyes and ears are still virgin.


Raoul- I wrote about all of the socialist orgs I could find when I got involved With GOE. Asshats the lot of them. They’re virgin ears alright…they also have no brains when it comes to what they actually support.



Wow. Stevie Wonder could have found that one!!! Well I guess they just look the other way much like the San Fran Cops do.


“See, that’s the problem – we need to keep returning vets out of UMASS. I’ll bet he didn’t think there was anything wrong with the war until he met some hairy-legged chic.”

Or maybe the walking table cloth behind them!
“Eat more Chicken!”


I guess Marine Spinnato missed the headline about the last of 600+ tons of Yellow Cake uranium being moved out of Iraq. Maybe they don’t read at UMASS.

LT Nixon

All we are saying, is give peace a chance

Wow, how original. Did the protesters see that on a Wonder Years re-run?

LT Nixon

Although, I have to give it to IVAW…there is actually women at their combat perch demonstration thing. If I tried to hold a mass protest, it would be a worse sausage fest than a Magic: The Gathering tournament in Ohio.

Jonn wrote:
I just think it’s hilarious that Raoul has been calling their Princeton Place IVAW House a tree fort, and then the first thing they do in Denver is build an actual tree fort.


LT Nixon: Or a D&D tournament in California!!!


What is that thing supposed to be? Like, a little fort or something?


Hey, The D-team can build a tree fort!



As Knappenberger had this idea first, is IVAW paying Evan royaties?


Timmy the anarchist wussy, abandons his black uniform and leaves the field of battle…



Live audio & video feed from the Denver Post of police & protestors at Denver Civic Center:


Frankly Opinionated

My friend and I built a fort just like that- It was the summer between the 4th and 5th grades, I think.
Now, if they’d had a full grown waterboard room set up and operating,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
nuf sed


What’s that supposed to be? A makeshift OP? What a bunch of idiots. I really don’t think they realize just how stupid they are.
And as for Spinnato’s “Bush lied” mantra:



I see you PPL support McCain, Think again!

He has been implicated in charges of abusing and killing the elderly, pilfering their estates, murder, homicide, and much more in his own state of Arizona.

Read it all here: http://www.azjusticenews.org/
Study this website very well before you vote. Be sure to check related websites too.